Sunday, July 24, 2016

sush. ssh. am I being paranoid?

I'm afraid this is one of their tech guys.
I'm using small print so Google won't hear me.(LOL on the mixed sense metaphor).  Yesterday I signed up with another blog site. Well, they host blogs, but I'm not really sure what they are.  I'm too scared to mention names. Especially after reading the "how to transfer your blog". Even with their tech help ( which I have a bad feeling I'm going to have to pay extra for), I'm not sure it will work.

I love Google. They are good hosts. I will still
hopefully be able to use Google+ for my photography posts and group. Damn. I still don't have the names of things down.
(it's called "I love Photography" Community.)

one of mine, but with my phone so it's grainy. I can't take my big camera everywhere because I can't leave it in the car because of the heat. I'm sure you all wanted to know that. oy.

I will try today, to follow the directions, but since I'm not sure if Google is a cPanel or not, this may delay moving. Also, I think you still have to request the other sites assistance to make the transfer, so you have to have an appointment because I have to put this on maintenance mode or some such thing.


Then, it can take more than 24 hours or who knows how long for it to happen. During that time, I don't think I'll be able to post here. I've no clue. Those who follow me, already are aware of this.

My question is, do you think that Google will send a hit man after me for leaving? Some relationship breakups are harder than others. I've never broken up with a website before, so I don't know.

And of course, as with all my important relationships, it's about communication. Why oh why couldn't they listen or respond?  All I asked for, repeatedly of course, was how to get my comment section to function. It seems that no one knows.

My husband was just on a local fishing blog  yesterday, that he thought looked a lot like mine.  He tried to post a comment.....poof. It disappeared, just like mine do.  Maybe, Google doesn't let anyone on their blogs receive comments. Or maybe they just single out those that are subversive.

If I should go missing, please try to find me. I supposedly have my own domain now.


I suppose I should check it out, although there won't be anything there. Will there?
The new email address is . I think I'll sit right down and write myself a letter, and make believe it came from you.   Just as soon as I post this.

People are afraid of the unknown. Therefore, people stay where they are, because it's comfortable.

If you stay, you die. If you move, you die. So, if you're gonna die in the end, you might as well do it the way you prefer. No judgements.  Me, though, even though I'm afraid, I will move. Staying in my comfort zone provides no growth.

thanks for reading.