Tuesday, July 26, 2016


                                       The caption thingy isn't working. Anyway.
                             When I was young and 20......8 actually.

Sometimes we just need a good belly laugh. And I could use one now. Humor is an important part of my life. I did a post on it, so if you'd like to see the theory etc., go back and find it. That sounded harsh. That's the problem with reading a joke rather than hearing it. I don't know how to do moving pictures on the blog.

I don't know if one can laugh at written jokes, but I'll try to find a few humorous things to post and hope you get a chuckle or two.

Either later today or tomorrow, I'll be attempting to move the blog. They can't  do it because Google is a builder, not a host. They can only move from host to host or coast to coast. See all the little tidbits we're learning?
Anyway, I hope it's not impossible to post here, during the process, but if it is, as they say in show biz leave them laughing.


I was reading up on healthy eating. It mentioned Kale (gag me). The "pro" tip was to massage the Kale for a few minutes to soften and reduce bitterness.
Do you think this would work on my husband?
(I  found this on a piece of paper with health tips. I think I added the question. We all know it would work on wives. The problem is, well we all know what happens when men either give or get massages.)

These I got from a flip over book. Like a daily reader. It was, believe it or not, written by two men. So don't blame me for the male bashing.
Of course I did choose which ones to post, but the pro men quotes were all mostly X-rated. I'll go back and find some that are  clean and could relate to  either sex.

If a man speaks in the middle of a forest, and there is no woman to hear him, Is he still wrong?

Don't talk to my breasts. They're deaf.

I still miss my ex-husband, but my aim is improving.

I like my men super rich and almost dead.

I'm not that old. Your music really does suck!

My sexual preference is often.

It's no mistake that man's best friend can't talk.

Please. Don't interrupt me while I'M IGNORING YOU.

Divorce is expensive.     Freedom is priceless.

I tried to drown my troubles, but my husband learned how to swim.

Don't hate yourself in the morning. Sleep till noon.

Friday is casual sex day.

Okay. Enough of those.

       I hope you don't think this is stupid. (okay it is. But it struck me as funny because she's sitting on the settee in this position and if you know little kids, you'll get it.) 

"Um, Shari."
"Yes Lambchop."
"I have to pee."
"Damn. Okay guys. Stop filming. She is such a Diva."
Have a Fun Day filled With Laughs.
yes. I've lost it.
thanks for reading.


1 comment:

  1. there is comment confusion. Two people were able to comment on this blog site, while others could not. If you notice, although it's in gray, there is a link to the other site. The content is the same, except for the photos I uploaded here. Couldn't get them in the blog. But, my husband was able to comment there. I will figure it out and make a decision based on the outcome. I too shall return amerika to all it's greatness. yeah.
