Friday, January 1, 2016

"Twas the day after New Year's

‘Twas the day after New Year’s and all through our hovel,

Not a creature was stirring, not even a squarrel..

My clothing was flung in my room here and there,

In the hope that some person who cleans would appear.


We grownups were settled all snug in our beds

While visions of Moscow Mules danced in our heads.

When out on the porch, there arose such a ruckus.

I sprang out of bed to see what the fuck was.

When what in my aching head should appear,

But a scene from the evening that happened last year.


With a wipe of my eyes and a shake of my head,

I knew I was seeing what soon I would dread.

I saw people and bottles and glasses and such

Who were acting like people who drank way too much.

Singing and dancing and acting quite smashed,

'Twas then that I realized a cell phone had flashed.

One person was sober and thought twould be fun,

To record all the merriment for Year's end was done.

 I realized what happened and thought “oh hell no”

And  ran off to the computer,  'cause I just had to know.

Yes!  There on the screen ‘twere the pix that he took.

Our pictures were posted for ALL on Facebook.




  1. Very funny.
    Still the best party I've been to in decades.

  2. I do believe I must agree. Of course we haven't been to parties together for decades, so I can say that I've been to some really fine ones too. Pre-U. Sorry. Just that the two roads had diverged in a yellow wood and our paths didn't cross until later.
