Monday, March 7, 2016


Yup. That is me this morning. I want to write and I don't like the ideas that I have. I almost feel empty-headed. I'm used to having my thoughts flying around like the Wicked Witches Monkeys, so I feel bare, barren and bereft.

Some of it has to do with hypochondria. I've been getting really bad muscle cramps in my legs, feet, toes and yesterday for the first time in my hands. Like my fingers were involuntarily making the Spock, Live Long and Prosper Vulcan sign.

As you know I've thrown myself into exercising. Well, thrown might not be exactly accurate.
And, I've had these types of cramping's long before I was riding the bicycle and doing crunches and Yoga.  It's just that they have increased and last night was really bad.

So, while not falling asleep I was wondering what sort of incapacitating muscle disorder I was going to get and when I slept I had dreams that I don't remember, but know that they were painful somehow.

I got up and here I sit. Of course after doing a thorough enough search on the net, to figure out that what I have is probably exercise related. So, I'm not worried about it now. Except it seemed to clear my mind of its useless information leaving me to rely on my brief notes that at this moment, don't seem right.

Is it weird that I have to be in the right mood to write about other blind dates? Or when my apartment was robbed?

*AD  (digression)

Oh and thank you all for confirming my worst nightmare,  that the post with the most hits ( discounting the time I got a brilliant review, way back when) was the lewdest one.
It seems that people liked the post and most likely, the illustration for Bouboutins.
Which has now led to a topic for this post.

I'm actually doing a local art show (don't get excited, it's at an appliance store)  but, Let's give a shout out to Jetson of Saint Lucie West Florida for supporting the local art community. I framed her and am going to put her out with my other work (you can see it on Pinterest)  and am worried that they will not let me show her. I don't know if they allow nudes, and even if they do, she isn't exactly a Degas.

I'm bringing framed photographs as well because I have them, and would rather sell those than my paintings. I haven't done that many and besides not wanting to part with them, have no idea on how to price things.

I'm putting on that brown backing paper which I've learned is called a dust cover (I think) although I'm not being precise like the real framers.


When all else fails, stream of thought will always flow.

Now for the gallery.  Please excuse the non-cropped, partially cropped and lousily cropped up-loads. Since I never know what I'm going to be using beforehand, I don't have the time to fix them before I use them. And, it's not easy for me to find them. I think I have over 4000 pictures. Just use your imaginations, like I do. And pretend they are all perfect.

watercolor still life with the still life

acrylic from photo I took

acrylic of a daisy from a photo I took

so far, my only pastel copied from an old Home journal cover

acrylic of Banyan trees from photo

my favorite. From a photo in Caesarea Israel circ. 1982

remember Mary?

Copy of a Backus, highwayman acrylic

An actual request. Left up to me. My divorced friend. I sent her a tall, dark handsome, wild animal, And of course, a mensch.

Copy of pic from net. Acrylic.

For me to try to remember my history.

Copy of Poster. Date changed. Acrylic

Horus and Falcon. Acrylic copy.

Acrylic from photo of Biltmore Mansion, Ashville, NC

From my demented mind. Sand hill cranes, golfing. I gave it to my son-in-law who loves golf. Trouble is I haven't seen it hanging in the house. I guess they didn't love it as much as he said. That's okay. But if you don't want it. Give it back. I won't be hurt.

That's about it. Almost.



I had the photo framed like the acrylic. Which is which? Top is A. Bottom is B.
You can answer in the comment section. Prize to be announced for winner.

1 comment:

  1. My friends came over to help me fix the stool I sit on while at the computer. They looked at the two pieces hung next to each other and couldn't figure. Then they got it wrong. Wow. I hated the painting but framed it anyway. Then I looked at them near one another and was I surprised.
