Wednesday, November 11, 2015

I'm trying to find my voice and the audience for it

      I just looked at my statistics. Sadly, only one person has subscribed. I am not disheartened. For two reasons. The first being that it is so hard to find the subscription button, they should call it the G spot. (It's almost at the bottom. hmmm. can I liken it to my analogy? I'd best not. I'm not sure I could find it either and it's not the same on everyone. This page, however, probably is). 

   Alright. If you get the blog the way I do when I pull it up, it has each one I've written. Scrolling all the way to the first one, at the end of it are the words "Home"  and "Older Posts".
Under this are the very nearly invisible words                 Subscribe to : Posts (Atom).

    The other problem is that my posts are all over the place. I looked at the stats and the ones that seemed to get the most hits were about America being upside down and Thanksgiving.

    Does that mean you want a political spin?  A country home spun view?  Beats the Hell out of me. I know, which Hell?  I still can't say.  I thought it was funny. My husband, whom I forced to read it last night in bed before we went to sleep didn't think it was funny.
    He was concerned that I thought I was going to Hell, which by the way, I don't actually believe in. And he thought the subject was morbid. I didn't agree but at least we didn't fight about it. Funnily, he told me it was a bad time to talk about such things and to let him read them when he wanted to and then told me about someone he knows who has a little child in hospice who is in a vegetative state and she feels guilty and we spoke about that a bit.
    I thought I was being very kind in not mentioning that this might not exactly be bedtime conversation either, but, I refrained. Maybe I put him in the mood.

      Wifely hint:  If you don't want your husband to get amorous at bedtime, you don't need a headache. Just start talking about death or something morbid and just kill (LOL) the mood.
     Wow. That was a really long digression from a topic I don't even have yet.

    No on seems to want to comment on my writing so I really am only getting advice from one source, and we all know that is not a large enough sample. So, again I am asking for help in giving me feedback.

   What topics would you like to read about?  I can't guarantee that my mind will agree, but at least it's a start. Over 800 people have read the posts (all totaled to the 18 of them) which actually sounds like a lot to me. So. Am I singing opera? hip hop? country and western? rock and roll? Give me hand and tell me what key to start in.

Thank you all.


Good, am I?  Follow the Father's steps to the dark side? Know I not.


  1. I think you should use this opportunity to work on your stand-up routine.
    And don't call my sample small.

  2. thank you. My statistics teachers would disagree, but I like what you said better so I'll listen to you. I have found that works in all matter of things.
