Of course, living in the United Stated of America, we are taught that we are free. Since the only other country I lived in briefly was Israel, I can't say what it would be like to like in a land of dictatorship, chaos or socialism. I only know what I know. And, of course it's been slanted in the direction my country wants me to see. No matter where you live, that's the truth.
We are a couple, so we are supposed to make decisions together and if needs must, to compromise. Not one of my strong points.
I am allergic to animals, flowers, trees, perfume, my own sweat and various environmental properties. If you can breathe it, I can wheeze it. I have also developed asthma and am on an inhaler.
The allergies to pollen dates to childhood. The animals to approximately age 16. We had a cat when I was a kid and I was okay. I choose to believe that his death triggered the allergy. He had been injured by a car and made his way home. We had the vet come. Can you believe that? Anyway, he was too far-gone. I was probably 12 and don't know why we weren't able to give him to the vet, or why my parents didn't take him to be put down. When I think of it, this was barbaric. In any event, someone came to the house to pick him up. During the day. Both my parents were working and I just couldn't do it. And so it fell to Janis, my sister who was barely two years older. I still feel guilty at leaving her to do this by herself and I'm starting to cry.
Janis died in her sleep, at home, perhaps two or three years later. My animal allergies started when I went to visit my aunt and cousins in Connecticut over Christmas break when I was 16. My aunt had cats.
At age 19 I went for allergy shots. I was a mess. I had tissues hanging out of my face half of the year. I couldn't visit people with animals and I had to stop wearing perfume and couldn't be near anyone who was.
The allergist was the head of a very good hospital in New York. He may have been a pervert too. *another digression.
He did a full physical before doing the allergy testing. Even though his nurse was walking in and out of the office, he inspected my private places, which I thought was odd. That wasn't what was running. It was my nose dumbass.
Being 19 and naïve, I let him do his check. Sequencings are not my strong point either. I do know that he wanted to check me again. This time I said no. He was a little affronted, but I was not forced to do it.
From the description of your current allergic status, is a dog the best thing? There are probably a few Pet Rocks selling cheap on eBay...
ReplyDeleteThank you for your input. I already have lots of rocks and minerals. A fact you probably don't know. I got into the properties of crystal healing some, many years ago. They are not as comforting as one might think. I have some under our bed but snuggling while sleeping isn't fun. Some have hard edges. But, I will give it consideration after I have finished the rest of the post where I shall hopefully weigh out the pros and cons of responsibility, with or without dander.
ReplyDeleteOk...didn't mean to get your dander up...
ReplyDeletegood. dander is the allergen. And some dogs have much less of it.