Who remembers the last honest president of the United
It was Jimmy Carter. It wasn’t that long ago. Surely both
Donald and Hillary remember him. Hell, they must have met him. And if you
recall, things did not go so well with Dr. Carter at the helm.
Why do I bring this up now?
It seems that our candidates are both very dishonest, and
each one keeps on telling us that we can’t trust the other one.
So, my question is, what has honesty got to do with being a good ruler?
Theory: We hold our public servants up to standards that
they cannot possibly fulfill because we
want someone who is better than we are to rule.
This makes sense. I would not make a good leader. Well,
not of that many people. And we should want someone who is capable of ruling.
But what requirements do they need?
I don’t give a rat’s ass. We all aren’t honest, faithful, generous nor many of
the other qualities that we demand from our candidates. So why the fuck are we buying into all this
I believe it was Jesus who said “Let he among you who is
without sin, cast the first stone.”
Look inside your hearts. Why do you bear such animosity
towards the candidate you don’t want?
Is it possible to clear out the emotions and think with a rational mind at the
choice you have to make?
We may not have the choices we would want. However, we
are at the moment stuck with them. So.
This is a really important decision. Please think about it. Make lists of pros and cons for each person.
Yes, I have a preference. No. I am not asking you to see
things my way.
I’m just asking you to really, really look inside your
hearts, as I am doing, because this time, the decision is more important than
Take out the mudslinging and ask. Who has the
qualifications to lead a country? Hell, what are the qualifications to lead a
I wish I could find one that was large enough to read. You can look it up online. |
Thanks for reading
P.S. This idea came from my husband. He mentioned that Jimmy Carter was the last honest president, so I want to thank him for the idea. Thanks sweet man.