It's about living. And after having written over these past few months, it seems to be of stories of my life. Which goes well with whatever ridiculous notions come to mind. If I could change the title, I'd call it Dr. G's Ridiculous life stories. And they may become better since my husband has stopped his reading of this, mostly. . I hope this blog will educate and entertain. I promise to love, honor and obey if you recommend and follow my blog.
Friday, January 15, 2016
Thursday, January 14, 2016
I wonder what today is?
Oh. This isn't related to my being calendar challenged. I like to view my stats. I admit it. I'm hungry for attention. Here, online.
Anyway. So far today I had something like 148 "reads". Where I live, it's 9:30 a.m. I posted last night around 11 p.m.
I also apparently have followers all around the world. Here is the breakdown. I love when copy and paste works.

Anyway. So far today I had something like 148 "reads". Where I live, it's 9:30 a.m. I posted last night around 11 p.m.
I also apparently have followers all around the world. Here is the breakdown. I love when copy and paste works.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016
My husband and I were just watching TV. Well, the DVR.
He was fast forwarding and I said:
This has nothing to do with the discussion. I'll find a TV and put it at the end. This was from an airplane when I went to NY to visit friends. Nice, huh? |
Me: I finally did the Yoga DVD today.
Him: You should get a helmet.
Me: I didn't realize Yoga in the living room was dangerous.
Him: No, for when you ride the bike. You're sitting high off the ground and actually, there are several things you should get.
Like lube.
Me: KY?
Him: No! What's wrong with you?
Me: What do I know about lubes?
Him: He starts laughing and goes into the kitchen and on his way out
Him: There are a lot of different kinds of bicycle lubricants. Since you'll be riding this one, you should be taking care of it and know these
Me: That was a rhetorical question.
Him: Uh, yeah. As I was speaking I realized that.... vey feh. Push the play button.
This is symbolic of my verbal communication skill.
Anyone else have this happen with their spouses?
Well, spouse. I hope you only have one because if not, it would be bigamy or polygamy and I think sometimes, that one is a tad more than I can handle. One at a time, anyway.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Bra's and why they don't fit and aren't comfortable.
This past season, my husband and I were watching Blunt Talk on Showtime. It was really funny. On one of the shows, they started talking about the shape of women's breasts and had actual classifications. They used three. I could only recall one. I just asked my husband and he could only remember one also. The same one.
The champagne glass. This was considered the "best" in show (LOL). Two of the women at the table had the other types of breasts. The men were very nice and of course, told the women they liked those too. *(AD) We all know men have preferences, but when they are with a naked woman, they don't care what type, as long as it's a pair. I suppose.
I had to do a search on shapes just now to see if I could find the other two types. Turns out, there are quite a number of types and descriptions which I decided to try to narrow down. Somewhat.
First, I am trying to discuss the shape, not the size. In some cases it matters, in others it doesn't. What the men on the show considered the best were referred to as "champagne". Like champagne glasses are. Round with (I can't believe I'm writing this) with a how do I even say this? How about a nipple in proportion and of a nice rosy color . Rather like my face while I'm writing this.
The terms vary and I'm not putting in photos of naked boobs. Probably.
One site I looked at had photos of real people. One woman's chest looked cockeyed. Wrong word. I just looked it up. Drunk; they weren't; a bit awry perhaps. It was like she needed to see an ophthalmologist because they were facing her armpits. Which, if I were a man looking at her, I might find disconcerting. You know. Making eye contact. And we all know that most men don't look you in the eyes. They look you in the boobs. Where would he look? Would he keep sweeping his eyes back and forth? I get dizzy thinkin about it.
I changed my mind. I was able to copy and paste these renderings.
This is from one of the sites I found. |
The next were "sagging". I think most women of a certain bigger size, age, or after childbirth know what this means. Hanging your head in sorrow. Looking down.. If they were really large, probably looking at and reaching the floor. Sorry ladies.
Not too long ago I was asked if mine sagged. At a family gathering. I was the only small breasted woman at the event, [can I call myself not large breasted, since all the other women are?] Anyway, I told them no. Which is true. In my "size'" I said they just slid down a little. *(AD) I heard that many years ago from Suzanne Pleshette on the Tonight Show. She said they used to be up here, and now there're down here. That's the way it is. Thank you.
One site I looked at had photos of real people. Just their torsos. One woman's looked cockeyed. Wrong word. Just looked it up. Drunk, they weren't, a bit awry they were. It was like she needed to see an ophthalmologist because they were facing her armpits. Which if I were a man looking at her, I might find disconcerting. You know. Making eye contact. And we all know that most men don't look you in the eyes. They look you in the boobs. Man, that would make me dizzy.
The one's that are labeled tubular; I'm trying to imagine those. Long and thin? From the side drawing it was hard to say. They look how I feel during a mammogram.
Then, my favorite, was snoopy. Yeah. Like my favorite dog. It was like the swoop, only the nipples were larger and sloping up.
What have we learned boys and girls? That women's breasts come in a zillion different shapes and sizes, and change over the years. Not that any of this should be new. Although I do remember years and years ago when I realized that not all women's breasts looked the same. It wasn't like I had been exposed to many real women during my younger years. I saw breasts occasionally in movies, but back then, even that was held to a minimum. And mine seemed to look like those I saw. I will disclose. Champagne. Doesn't matter because my bra's were always uncomfortable. And they still are. And that's really why I'm writing this.
I won't blame the manufacturers, because they seem to make so many different styles and sizes that one should be able to find something that is flattering, not flattening and comfortable. Apparently that is too much to ask. I guess I am blaming them. Why not? I like to blame companies.
For a number of years, in my early twenties, I stopped wearing bras. It was liberating because it was comfortable. I was a feminist but I shaved.
For men, who may not understand, even though there are hooks and elastic in the bands, in order for them to stay in place, they need to be a little bit tight. Or they ride up or fall down. Then, why bother putting it on?
Guys, think about Thanksgiving. You finished your wonderful meal and are sitting at the table. Your waistband is beginning to pull and you're getting that feeling. So, you do what you can. You unbutton the top button and yes. You can almost breathe again. This is never an option for ladies. Well, hardly ever.
Only in extreme circumstances would a woman take off her bra. If she can do it discreetly, she will. I guess.
A Story about a third or fourth date
This couple went out dancing for the evening. It was a nice. The woman was wearing a little black dress that required a strapless bra. For those of you who know and those of you who don't, they have to be really, really tight because at least with regular bra's, the straps help hold them up. So, while the couple was dancing, the woman was losing her bra. It was sliding around like a dancer on a pole. It was driving her crazy and was interfering with her ability to dance and enjoy her date. She excused herself to go to the ladies. In the stall, she took it off and breathed a sigh of relief. She then realized she had a new problem. What would she do with it? She only had a tiny evening purse and no jacket. Fuck. She was going to throw it in the trash, but she just couldn't. They can be pricy and when not dancing or jumping around for long periods, useful. What to do, what to do.
She decided to be brave. She came out, holding it tightly in her hands and went to her date and asked if he could put it in his jacket pocket. Duh? in a flash it disappeared. Later,quite some time later, he told her that he thought that she must some real live wire. Taking off her bra and giving it to him? He thought he hit pay dirt. Poor guy. He didn't know that desperate times call for desperate measures. That didn't make her a desperate woman.
Back to the point
As a woman, do you have this problem too? I know some friends who do, but unless you shop together it's not a topic that's going to arise. I've even used one of those women who come to the department stores to measure you, because they always say you're wearing the wrong size.
She measured me and brought me the size I wore for years and they were ultimately still not comfortable.
I tried sports bras for a short time, but they not only make you look flat chested, they're tight and cut into your back and shoulders.
So, any ideas? Other than braless because I am still vain and don't like looking flat and think everyone knows that I don't have one on, and I get self-conscious.
And no. I will not be having surgery as a solution. Although, I hear they stand up by themselves which could mean no bra is really needed. Hmmm.
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You would think I would find one that fits and flatters. Humbug.
Monday, January 11, 2016
I got up this morning as usual and went into the kitchen to take my meds.
I am on a variety of them, but today I'm going to talk about Spiriva. My inhalation drug for my mild COPD.
I take three other capsules in the a.m.
My friend Pat is having a knee replacement this morning, so I was thinking about her when I took my pills. Without thinking, I swallowed the Spiriva.
Oh Shit. I pulled the information package out of the trash.( It was a new pack and I've been taking it for a few years.) Why would I need the insert?) I looked all over the 3 foot insert and it said in several places "DO NOT SWALLOW" followed by a circle with a line through it. I forgot. this is the digital era. I can take a picture of it. Wow. So cool.
This is in several places. It makes me think that if I do swallow, there will be consequences. And not like winning the lottery kind. |
No where did it say what to do if you did. I read as much as I could of the tome. The only place that sort of mentioned it was about overdosing. Under that was accidental ingestion. To quote -
"Acute intoxication by inadvertent oral ingestion of capsules is unlikely since it is not well-absorbed systemically."
If I knew exactly what that meant, I would have felt better. Since I wasn't sure I spent the next portion of the morning looking for a phone number to contact.
Thank God it was not an online venture because you know as well as I, that they hide their phone numbers because they never ever want you to call.
I did find a number under general information and I called it.
A lovely automated voice asked if I were a physician, pharmacist or pharmaceutical rep. Nope. Not one of those. It did go on and eventually gave a number to talk to an agent.
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Not me. Not yet. |
I pressed the number and a man answered. I told him my plight and he said, okay, can I have your name an number in case the call is lost? Then he added, when I transfer you to medical assistance.
I was proud that I wasn't panicking. He didn't seem at all concerned which didn't make me feel better. Shouldn't someone say, don't worry or something soothing? He told me he was transferring me and I should have a "wonderful day". I'm thinking....Did you not hear me? I'm nervous. I may have swallowed poison? I could need to be rushed to the hospital and you're telling me to have a great day? (okay I don't remember which adjective he used.)
Breathe. Breathe. And then a woman answers the call and tells me she's a nurse. Before saying don't worry or anything to calm me, she says she has to get some information. She did know that the call was about swallowing the pill, so I was able to get some solace from that. She was very professional and was one of those programmed people. You know, when they read the script so many times they have it memorized?
Finally, she said I should be alright. The medicine in the pill is poorly absorbed by the system and the capsule is gelatin and will either dissolve or be passed.
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Medical Care or lack thereof. |
Whew. I tried to joke around since I was relieved. Maybe she had no sense of humor or they are monitored really closely.
After she told me I would be okay, she wanted addition information for the record. I decided to be polite, since I wasn't going to die and answered with my name, address, DOB and length of time on the pills. I lied. I have no idea. Ha ha on you.
She did ask I had any further questions and I did ask if she could pass along to the people who print the insert, that it might be nice if they told you what would happen after they scared you to death about not swallowing. She didn't know what to say. Above her pay grade and would require her to do something she isn't involved with.
She asked if that was all. I said yes. And she told me to have a GREAT DAY. Also, would I answer a three question survey? Sure.
The first question was, do you think the representative cared about you. As I had spoken to two people-bots and not one, I decided not to give a bad mark, just not a great day one.
The good news was that they were Americans and spoke English well.
I just laughed. I imagined getting someone with a heavy Indian accent (please don't take offense, I'm not good listening to any accent).
I imagined that I couldn't understand what the rep said and it sounded like "You vill be notfectid since yr sytome vilupserv de trio tope iem. Have a mice day."
Yeah. The good old days. So. Today. No theory. Some questions instead. Have you ever done something like this? My friend's mother once brushed her teeth with preparation H. yick. When you were distracted, what was the mistake you made? Could be the silliest, most serious, funniest, dumbest or ridiculous. You can post anonymously so no one will know. And I have been getting email. If it won't link, copy and past. HAVE A GREAT DAY |
Sunday, January 10, 2016
My sick sense of humor. Please read before opening the link
I joined some blogging communities. This morning I saw this photo and decided to comment on it. I was able to get the link. I would rather have been able to cut and paste, but You can't always get what you want.
The picture is interesting. I hope you will find my comment funny. And on the side of very sick humor.
I joined some blogging communities. This morning I saw this photo and decided to comment on it. I was able to get the link. I would rather have been able to cut and paste, but You can't always get what you want.
The picture is interesting. I hope you will find my comment funny. And on the side of very sick humor.
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