Wednesday, December 23, 2015



 This is from my own family history, but I'm going to try not to take sides. Which of course when you've been brainwashed since birth, is a really, really hard thing to do.
   I shall try.

   Some years back, over in the Old Country I had a great, great, great etc. Grandfather. It was during one of those odd periods of history where my family had more than two nickels to rub together and had a very nice house.  As was usual for the time, they had a live-in maid who was of course, younger and prettier than grandma.( *AD We never learn do we?)

   It's not exactly what you're thinking. Our grandparents wanted a family and had been trying unsuccessfully for a few years. No luck.  There was no in vitro, no surrogacy or adoption at the time and they were very sad.  Grandpa because he would have no one to leave the house and the business and grandma because she felt guilty that she was the reason.

   Grandma made a decision. It turned out to be not so smart, but who among us can say we haven't made some dumb decisions ourselves?

   She told Grandpa he could screw the maid and if she got pregnant, he would get his heir. Yeah, like if your wife gave you permission to have the maid you'd say, nah, it's not right. We'll be fine.

   So Gramps and the maid starting doing it and, apparently it was Grandma's problem because the maid got knocked up.  I wasn't there, but I'm guessing it was killing Gram's on the inside, but she started it.

   Grandpa doted on the boy. He was also very nice to said maid.  Grandma bit her lips, mostly and then, a miracle happened. Maybe ten, twelve years later, even though Grandma was little long in the tooth, she too had a son.

    Think about our blended families of today. Some people can work it out, and others can't. They lived together in the house for a couple of years, but it was really, really getting to the women.

    Grandpa didn't know what the hell to do. He loved both his boys. He loved his wife. I'm not sure about his feelings for the maid, but she was the mother of one of his children.

    Did you hear the one about the  two women, one man and two boys, asked the patron sitting at the bar?  It's beginning to sound like one of those stories.

   The wife finally gave grandpa an ultimatum. She wanted them out and gone. Those of you with wives know how this ends. The other pair were sent packing with regret.

    They left the area and of course were really pissed. The boy missed his dad and maybe even his brother. The  mother moved so she could start fresh elsewhere, but she and her son now carried hate in their hearts. Who could blame them? Promised something and not getting it? I suppose the mother should have been grateful to have a son, but they had nothing else so I guess she couldn't see the up side.

It of course was bigger, and has seen better days.
   Things back at the house, well, it had been a place that now symbolized something bad and sad.  Grampa couldn't bring himself to sell it, but knew the family had to move. He got a lawyer, or whatever they were called back then, to hold the property and rent it out until they could decide what to do.

   Each little family unit went their separate way, but when you've got beef with someone, you manage to know how and where they are.

    Grandma and then Grandpa died. While they were alive, the house was rented out to tenants who didn't take great care of it. It became part of the estate which was then contested by the two sons. They had their own families now, with their own kids and other relatives. Resentment festered so they wouldn't even go into the same room. Don't even think about them entering the house at the same time. They refused to listen to reason.

   They both felt entitled, and I can see why, assuming the story is true. The problem one son had was that his mother and father hadn't married. That made a difference.

    However, the older son claimed the rights of the elder son, which also mattered back then. And so, they did what their parents had done. They left it in the hands of some realtors and left it to be rented. It was barely self sustaining by this time, so they didn't have to fight over profit or loss. They didn't have to have any contact which was fine with them.

   Again, they disengaged and left to make their own families and their way in the world.  They left but the tale and hate remained.

   This story has been passed down for generations. Talk about forgive and forget!  Not my peeps.

on the road
    As happens over generations the children chose paths in life.  My  side of the family was big on reading and education. Some of us had a knack at business.  We've produced a lot of people with knowledge.
 My cousins, were more into business, particularly real estate and man did they make some killings.

   Now comes the really shitty part of the tale. We still can't sit down and talk. About seventy five years ago, one of the people watching the old house made a plan. He drew up a diagram with blueprints and everything so the house could be divided equally and anyone from the family could come back to live there if they wanted.  Divided, but a little separate.

   From what I hear, my side, although not happy, but said alright. It's not perfect, but it's better than the way things are. The other side said no way. It's our house and we'll kill anyone of you who steps inside it. Oh boy. That caused quite a furor. Some of my cousins went back on principle to live in the house. Like just do it.  Most people don't like being told what to do. My family isn't the exception.

   The other side, had their cousins who were nearby, who also tried to move in. That's when War broke out. 

    And since it's by not the age of media our story went public. Such a shame on us all.  So many dead. So much hate because long ago, a papa and a couple of other people made a poor decision.

    The part I'm unclear on is why people take the other families side. Well, I know why they do since the oil was produced, but why before that?

     I know, if you're a little different, people are afraid of you. And we were, and maybe are a little different. Still.

     If you haven't come to the conclusion of who we are, we are the Semites who lived in the ancient lands of Judea and Samaria.  The deserts of Canaan.  And all over the middle east. Our cousins stayed around there longer than we did for the most part. We traveled a lot.  Okay. It wasn't by choice but we did it and usually landed on our feet until someone took the earth out from under them again.

    We became known as the wandering Jews.  Our cousins became known as Muslims.  (If I get any of this wrong, please excuse me. I'm not in the mood to do any research on this. Not now. Not anymore. It doesn't seem to make a difference.)

     So Isaac and Ishmael were the bothers. Okay half brothers. In many families that
Peace Be With Us All
doesn't matter.

     This is where I believe the divide began. It's not about the land of Israel or Palestine. It's about who dad loved more.
       Maybe Israel has and takes the "higher" ground because Abraham was married to Sarah.  I don't know. I do know  the family found out what it's like to be mistreated.

       I'm not clear on how far back this old would opened and festered.  There was a time when Jews were welcome in Babylon and were pillars of society. The Muslims and Jews weren't always enemies. What happened?

     Maybe, somewhere in history, a shit stirrer picked up on this tale of two brothers  and has used it to wreak havoc ever since.

       I'm so tired of it all. I've lived in Israel and therefore am having an impossible time being impartial at current events. I wish I had some way of helping and healing. Stopping the insanity. It really is insane. It's not like we're fighting over the oil. The people who are called Palestinians weren't any luckier than we when it came to finding rich land. Hagar and Ishmael settled in Egypt from what I can recall. We're fighting over the crumbling house we all once lived in and still believe we are meant to maintain this property. There are good people and bad people on both sides of the family.  Just like any other family.

    Maybe instead of diplomats and politicians, we could try sending in some family therapists?

The End


Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Hi. I'd like that in a size..........?

  *AD     When did you notice that you started to say things your parents used to?  They said it with words like "back in my day".  At some point in time I realized that I too was comparing old prices with new, old behaviors with new ones and realizing that I too had crossed into that great divide. I'm not sure if it's a divide of generations, or just age, but it happens.                                   
I was so excited. Those shorts were a size 4.

     I remember shopping for clothing and shoes when I was in my twenties. Not that I had much money or wore much other than jeans, so maybe I noticed it in when I was in my thirties or forties.
    Back then, even in department stores they had women on the floor who were there to help, (read as sell, but still) you to find what you were looking for.  I'm not saying that doesn't exist anymore, but more often than not the workers on the floor are busy with stock and are generally there to help you find the section of items you're looking for.

   That brings me to my title question. I no longer have any idea what size I am, so even if a salesgirl were to ask me, I don't know what to say.

   Yes, I have gone up and down the size scale over the years. Luckily, I'm in my favorite "down" place and the sizes are smaller then they were. Usually. Except it doesn't actually mean anything any more.
some of the chubby years.

   You have to have noticed that in the olden days, if you were a size 8, you would take size 8's into the dressing room. Pants, blouses, skirts, dresses but not bathing suits. For some reason they have always danced to their own music.

   Whether you liked how they looked, or what they cost, they usually fit. You knew you were a size 8. Sometimes a particular manufacturer was different, but you at least knew it they ran large or small. (*AD)  PS on the photos. I would have to shift through some thousands to find the fat ones, so I'm posting the ones I found easily.

   Shopping today is like a crap shoot.

The first thing I noticed over the years was, that even though I hadn't lost weight or inches (I'm assuming, I wasn't one to measure myself), the sizes were getting nicer. Nicer you may ask? What the hell does that mean?

  It means that if I had been buying that 8, suddenly it was big and I needed it in a size 6. Man that made me feel good. It most likely happened around the time that models became wraiths, and everyone became discontent with their bodies.
Possibly my heaviest. Hiding under the hair.

  The garment industry pulled a fast one. They changed the sizing and didn't tell anyone. Suddenly you were no longer as fat or dissatisfied. I mean, dropping a dress size makes you feel good. Especially when you didn't give up cake.

  Again, years ago I found myself very troubled by something. I was at one of my thinner selves. My mom who had always been two inches taller, bigger boned and weighed a lot more, was cleaning out her closet.  She had a very nice blue blazer that was classic and she gave it to me. It fit, although a bit snug under the arms I think. When I looked at the label I was aghast. It was a size 12. I wasn't. Maybe I was wearing an 8.  I can't recall what size, but it was one of those wake up calls that tells you that you had been hoodwinked.

  That was tough to deal with. Realizing they'd been toying with me for years. Little did I know that things were going to get worse. Much worse.

  Today, when I go shopping, I have to take in more clothes than they allow into the dressing room. An example would be: I like a pair of pants. I look at them, but can't judge if they measure similarly to some I already own. So, I could take in sizes anywhere from a 4P to an 8R and have no idea which will fit, if any.

   The same goes for tops that come in S,M,L,XL etc.  All my life, well most of it, I was a small. A few years of having porked up got me into mediums.  These days, some of the smalls fit, some are way too tight. Especially tee shirts. I don't like things that cling, so I would rather have the M if it's more comfortable. Only sometimes even the large is tight.

    I feel guilty writing this because many of my friends wear larger sizes than I do and I can't imagine how their egos feel, if I, the little one am getting annoyed. So, I'll just say I'm sorry. I'm writing this for all women, not just me.

   It's not like it was when you could feel good about being a small size and believing it was a reflection of reality. Speaking of reflections, I'll believe they buy special mirrors that shrink you, you know, like in the old fun houses. 
   I wonder who the hell is doing the sizing? The Chinese? The Indonesians? The Vietnamese?  Firstly, they have different body types. And maybe they hate us. Yeah, I'm sure they do. Why not? Everyone does.

   So they can monkey with us. Oh, let's make  a size 4 in this skirt and in the other style, but same label, make it a 6. That way there's not even consistency in brands.

  The good news is that you can decide what size you wear. Since you wear all of them, choose your favorite. The only problem you may have is when someone gets you a gift. You'll probably need to return it, but if you're like me, you would have anyway. (Sorry, I have very specific tastes and although many of my friends get close, it's not a game of horseshoes.)

  And my condolences for males. I hear that they are starting to monkey with you too. My husband tries on pants, no shorts, I forgot, Florida. Men don't wear pants. Shorts. He tries on shorts and different manufacturers fit and others don't.  He has a point. At least for men's' pants and shorts it's measured in inches. You're a 34 by 30 or a 40 by 36. Inches are supposed to be standard right?  So how is it that the 36 from Ralph Lauren isn't the same as Nautica, or Columbia or no name?  When did inches become arbitrary? They can't do that. It's a standard measure.

Men, if you're reading this, it will perhaps give you an idea of why it take us women so long to find something in the store.  We have to try on 6 of the same thing just to find our size. And only in that particular thing. Multiply that by the number of items we need and it's a six or seven hour ordeal.

   My theory, well you heard part of it. It's a conspiracy by the people sewing them to make us crazy, so when they take over we'll all be in TJ Maxx, cursing in the dressing room and won't even notice that our government has changed hands.

   Or maybe it's that no one gives a crap any more. Cut it so you use the least amount of fabric so you can sell it for the cheapest price. And do it fast. Time is money.

  Take you pick. Choose your own theory. I'd ask you to tell me about it but I still haven't had the patience to work on the comment situation.

Halloween and I don't know the size. I just like the photo.

It's my blog and I'll do what I do want to do what I want to do what I want to. You would do it to if it happened to you.    [name that tune]

Sunday, December 20, 2015


  I can't tell you how full of joy I was when I finished my last post. I'm not sure why, but I felt free. And I had so much stuff to do in the house that I had neglected.
  I started  cleaning out the linen closet which set me off into throwing stuff out and then washing all the bedding.
  There is one pillow case I have in my happy, serene room. It's yellow and it must be made of Syrian rather than Egyptian cotton 'cause it's always wrinkled.
  Long story short. LMAO.  I almost forgot to wash it.  Anyway. I did.

                     Ancient History

    Between the ages of 7 and 12, my sister and I went away to summer sleep away camp. Just now, when I was ironing the pillow cases (plural) I remembered that it was at camp that I learned to iron. And, that when I was at camp, I used to love to iron.

    I have an image of myself standing near the laundry area, and ironing.  What on earth I had to iron, I don't know. I probably volunteered to iron the camp sheets for all I can remember.

    But, right now, doing the pillow cases I liked the feeling of having something change so easily and quickly right before my eyes. A miracle.

   So much of the work that I do and have done in my life had little immediate reward. Even getting paid was so impersonal and spaced out that I couldn't associate it with work. I think you know what I mean.

   I've rarely had to iron over the years. When I worked I had my clothes dry cleaned, and living in Florida is so informal that most of my clothes don't need ironing. *AD  If I take them out of the drier right away and hang them up. I'm laughing at myself right now.

    And so, I ironed my pillow cases and one sheet. Now, I have to put the iron away when it's cool, and put away the ironing board. And as an aside, I have no idea how to set the heat. Somehow it's by color and I don't have the instructions. I'm such a Suzy Home Maker.  I still didn't finish the things I wanted to do. It's only 2:30 but I'm exhausted. That wasn't the only closet I tackled. More than half the kitchen cabinets are now free of useless items.

   The best part is I don't care.  I know. Who is this woman? Tomorrow is another day. And, my new Kindle that was supposed to arrive on Tuesday came just a few minutes ago. I wouldn't have known to check the mail box on Sunday, if my phone didn't do that waterfall music when I get a message. I'm so lucky I took that selfie or I wouldn't have heard the phone. Isn't life great when everything works out?  Or when you decide to believe that it does.


* (AD)  When you see this in the text, it refers to "another digression." It sounds better than going off on another tangent but is the same thing.
     This question was on my mind yesterday morning. I was going to an appointment, after which I didn't have anything scheduled. So, I dressed in my work out clothes, so I would hopefully go to the gym. (I did)
  Before I left home, I asked my husband what he thought, not about the work out, the question.  His answer was really good so I wrote it on a piece of paper. Or course I can't find it now, and he's not home. It was about feeing good rather than being good or doing right.
   What he said  made sense.(What I wrote probably doesn't) But, who doesn't like to feel good? Well, at least in the moment. Unfortunately, you may not see or feel the consequences immediately, like clogging your arteries, or dumping sugar in your blood like you would a cup of coffee or inhaling smoke into your lungs.  All you know is that it feels good right now.
  Weight is a little easier to see, if you want to. First you need a scale, then you need to use it. I do both because this is one of my crazy areas. I get very upset when I gain weight. However, I adamantly refuse to give up chocolate. So, since something had to go, it was mostly real food. I am not holding myself up as a good example. Just an example.
  (Possibly *AD ) I was diagnosed with early on-set osteoporosis, even though I was on  medications for several years to prevent it. [A bad thought would be, "yay. lucky me".] It took a while to sink in, but five years ago I got worried enough to do something. I found a plastic surgeon who treated people with  bioidentical hormones and for four years I went every four or so months. Don't tell anyone, one of  the reasons was mostly to avoid exercising because it was easier. Although the prescription for healthier bones is to do weight bearing exercise, I hadn't.  Very logical and rational thinking. Fortunately,  the treatment brought up my bone mass  to good old osteopenia. I  actually had a good result. Then I stopped taking the hormones for several reasons which aren't relevant. What is relevant  was the question, "What do I do now?"
   The answer was join a fitness center and do weight bearing exercises. The trouble with attempting to outrun your problems is that they catch up, then pin you up against a wall. I'm old enough to know that, and stubborn enough to keep running. If that kind of running burned calories and gave us muscles, this post might not be necessary. Hah!
   The question of why I won't change my diet or my lifestyle is not a new one. I've been struggling with it since my sister died and I used food to comfort me. My boyfriend at the time told me I was fat and watched my food intake. Yeah. The good times.

 Nearly everyone I know has some issue or other that needs to be addressed by a change in behavior.

         Is there something really wrong with us? Or at least many of us? Even people who appear to live healthy life styles often have secret vices which may be even more harmful than the ones those of us can openly admit to, or can plainly be seen.

What about the friends we have. You know the ones. Maybe it's you. You ignore  pain, hoping it will go away. You hate the dentist so you don't go for years. You go to the doctor but don't fill the prescription because it's too expensive. You went outside with a wet head and caught a cold?  Okay. That one isn't true. Just something someone's mother made up to keep her child from leaving the nest
  Anyway. There are so many different ways to not do what we should. Some are trivial, others are life threatening. I wondered, what the hell is wrong with us? People with cancer go through the most God awful treatment and pray it works. They bargain with God so it won't come back.
And the survivors, often go back to the behaviors that may have contributed. Like smoking. Same for people with heart disease. It's so hard to change your diet. I already told you about me. So don't think I'm throwing stones or judging. I'm not. I'm trying to understand so I can do better.

That was the question. It was time to find the answer. I believe there is one.
Time to do some research. Thank God it wasn't real research, because I hated doing that.

                              * (AD) When I was in graduate school we had very few computers. Not everyone had one at home. it was before Windows (the computer type, not the ones you stare out of when you're bored. Although there were no windows to look out of in the stacks of the library so you made sure you didn't get bored)  and for sure, we had no internet.
I do not want to go on about how many hours I had to spend at actual libraries, on weekends, photocopying articles to take home so I could write papers, or theses or whatever.
Then of course when I had to do my own research project for my doctorate.........well, that was a new fresh hell and I do not want to think about it.
So, I went online and looked it up. Here's what I found.
  1. The first order of business for me, was of course looking for the psychological reason, which I know to be called resistance.  This was defined by Wiki as:                                  phenomenon  often encountered in clinical practice in which patients either directly or indirectly oppose changing their behaviors or refuse to discuss, remember or think about presumably clinically relevant experiences.   The word presumably is there because most current theorists don't like Freud and this way they aren't actually giving what he said credence. That's biased and if I had the time and energy I would go on Wiki and dispute it. *(ad)   A hypothetical  example might be a woman who goes into therapy because she has all kinds of sexual issues, but won't talk about her childhood or her sexual experiences. Duh?
  2. The theory of Dr. G. (that would be me) on first blush, and little thinking was fear. Fear is behind many of the things we do or don't do, so it should play a role. Fear has a tendency to shadow you, so when you turn around to look for it, you can't see it. And from what science has taught us, just because you can't see something doesn't mean it's not there. Germs, atoms, ghosts.  You do feel it, although it can disguise itself like the great shape shifter it is.
  3. Then I found an online article titled, "Why don't we do what we know we "'Should'"?  by Anyaa H'redulla. She  posited the question, gave examples and went on to her theory.I will save them, for suspense, until the answer is revealed.
  4. The next article had practically the same title with only one difference. It used  the singular rather than plural. He used "we" and she used "I".  This article was featured in The Second Edition of Carnival of Improving Life.  It  gave examples of things we don't change, like procrastinating, (I forgot because I usually don't) and not willing to give up things you really liked or wanted. You know, spending money, going on vacations or eating out.  The kicker as he saw it, was that even if the behavior  interfered with their goal and even if the person was really invested in achieving that goal, they still couldn't do what they should or could. Quit your job to start the business you've always wanted means giving up shopping. The woman wouldn't do it.{ For me, if I had quit my job, it would have meant giving up eating, not just eating out, shopping and paying rent.  Sound like a good idea to you either?}  Anyhoo.
    So far, I don't think you have heard much that is new. And possibly won't read (I changed that from hear because in my head it's a conversation)
anything earthshattering for a while. I do believe you will. I won't promise that because I don't make promises I can't keep.

Here are some of the reasons that were given for why we don't do what we know we should.

When we fail to do the things we believe we should, we end up feeling guilty and this erodes our self esteem and our confidence. The author asked "why"?
She believed it was her ego that was responsible for keeping her "small" and had in fact been finding ways to feel bad about herself for years. She then talks about reading Eckhart Tolle's "The Power of Now" and realized that she had identified with being a failure and not changing was simply her ego's way of maintaining a status quo.
*AD  It was a author and what she is saying is  for some, accurate.
As per Tolle, the ego wants to be right no matter what. It's only job is to maintain its identity and survive. This keeps us from our spiritual self and allows us to maintain this false identity no matter what.
To combat this, one must be aware of the times when you are not living in the present; when you are fighting to be right; when you feel guilty; when you feel less than or depressed.

So put on your boots and kick the past and future goodbye.
   I have tried to live in the present. I believe with all my heart that what is being said it true. However, I must have a very weak will and a strong ego, because whenever I feel I'm getting out, it always manages to pull me back in. Thank you Al Pacino.
I don't know anyone who is capable of this. Maybe for a couple of minutes here and there, but on the whole, it really doesn't work. In fact, when you can't do it, your ego makes you feel even worse since you've been given the key and don't use it. Just what I needed. My ego thumbing its nose at me.

Where does that leave us?

The next article mentioned motivation. Maybe you don't really want it that bad?
He,  thinks that you may not want yourself to succeed because you don't desire it badly enough. Hmm.  When I  read that, I read deserve, rather than desire. That tells you a bit about me and my way of looking at things.
Getting back to this guy, he quotes his mom telling him " Don't be TOO comfortable, otherwise, you stop advancing". 

I just had the image of his mom  and him, when he was a baby. She, leaving him in a dirty diaper so he wouldn't get comfortable and would learn how to change it himself.  My bad.

The rest goes on about leaving our comfort zone. I can agree that many of us don't like to do that.
However, we all have to.
It becomes a matter of just how uncomfortable we don't like to get. That would be different for everyone.
He also mentions my friend fear. He believes that the fear of change and being stuck in a routine, can destroy your motivation to move ahead. (I don't agree with this part).
   It can also be like stepping into the unknown and we naturally dislike this. This, I do agree with.
Most species are uncomfortable with the unknown. With good reason. It could be dangerous. That's why we have brains that are supposed to be able to do risk assessment and figure out if it is or isn't safe.  Those of us with fears that are out of proportion and can  recognize this,  realize there is a problem.
If you're not too afraid  of what you'll fine, you seek outside help. If you are, you may read books instead. I guess it's kind of like being hungry, not wanting to cook, and not wanting to go out because  blah blah blah  excuse you have; so you order in Chinese.
His two favorite sayings are "Do what you fear and you control your fear" and
"The pain of change is forgotten once the benefits of that change are realized". 

 I guess that's why some women have two kids and some only have one.
He says to fear nothing. Face it and the fear will dissipate.
I'm imagining standing face to face with a huge, black Grizzly bear. My fear has dissipated along with my body that has been mangled and eaten by the bear. 

I fear the gym. I see myself standing in front of it facing my fear. I walk in the doors and see machines that look like torture devices and I fear hurting myself because I don't know how to use them. No good? I fear myself growing old with hunched shoulders and neck and I am going to the gym because I don't want that. That's working for me now.
How long will I be able to stay motivated? Only time will tell and it may be a daily struggle.

So, what then is the reason?  If there is in fact one. There may be many and more important. How do we overcome and change? In some sense it doesn't matter what the cause is  since if we can find a way to do something to change, who cares where it came from?
Well, me. Which is good because it lead to an answer.

I asked the smartest psychologist I know. No, that is definitely not me. Also, it's like the saying that the lawyer who defends himself has a fool for a lawyer. 
 Also, I got a very interesting answer and what seems like a recipe  to combat self defeat. Even if everything that I just wrote is true, how does that help us to change?

Here is some information that leads to a way to change.

Did you know that our brains are programmed to function to keep the status quo? I didn't think  that.  Brains are supposed to be pliable and always learning. I believe that is true but it is also true that but the brain is always busy.

 Even if you don't have ADHD. Without your being aware, it's regulating your breathing, you blood pressure, your heart rate, your eyesight, hearing and well, you get the idea. Oh yeah, your thinking and feeling as well.
 You better pray it's at least as good as the anesthesiologist who's monitoring all your body's activity during that surgery you didn't think you'd ever need. If he or she spaces out for a moment or two you could be getting paddled, and not the good kind. That's a joke, I don't think there is a good kind of paddling although EL James would disagree.
 The brain is just like me. It doesn't want any more assignments. It's like, "what? my plate is already full and you want to give me something different? No fricking way! 

Then vs. Now

When we are little, things are different. The brain is still always monitoring our body functions.
*(AD) ( I have been writing this for days, so I'm not stopping to look up anything, but it may start monitoring functions in-utero when it has developed sufficiently. )

 Infants are programmed to learn. Actually,
 child development seems to be on a,flexible schedule but with a particular sequence, since all babies and children develop similarly . Remember  all those developmental milestones we either learned about or watched our children go through.

Wasn't it fun when they repeated exactly what we said? Especially the curse words. And when we voiced our displeasure, they repeated that too. In order to shape them into good citizens we told them not to do a lot of things. And if we were angry, we may not have said it in the kindest way. You know, like " Stop being so stupid. If you don't (fill in the blank) ___
you'll never amount to anything or no one will ever love you". If you were lucky, your parents balanced the words and gave you sufficient self esteem and a feeling that you were loved and loveable.

That's important, but in this post I'm focusing on the thought patterns our minds created from listening and internalizing all these words. Not whether or not you had good parents.

An easy way of looking at it is that you were a blank tape and you recorded all these messages. And again, for this post, we're going to focus on the negative ones because they are the ones that get in our way.

The brain runs on autopilot. You don't have to think.  We just accept whatever we hear in our heads and follow accordingly. Why question ourselves? We're always right, no?

We may be right, or we may be crazy, but it just may be a lunatic you're looking for. Sorry, the first part of the sentence just flowed into that great Billy Joel song.

When I used to think about going to the gym my brain would automatically say, "I hate the gym". I heard it, and usually would have accepted it, but I knew that my bones would crumble if I didn't go, so why would I tell myself that?  Was it true?  No. I gave it some thought. There are things I enjoy about going to the gym. The parking lot isn't full, it's a little more than five minutes away, so, what was my problem?  Perhaps my brain doesn't like the idea of having to do something else, so the old me, who didn't like going to the gym 30 years ago, throws that old message in my face and I believe it. Until I decide I won't.

And that's what one has to do to change. Huh? We have to tape over the old words with new ones. Ones that meet who we are now, as grown ups.

You can let your thoughts control you, or you can control your thoughts. No, it's not easy and it won't happen over night, but it will happen.

Your brain wants you to be safe. It learned what safe was for a four year old. Thoughts like, I can't do that, I might get hurt would be common and could keep you from expanding into who you could be.


What you need to do is to pay attention. You'll know it when a thought comes through that makes you feel comfortable. Not necessarily good, but comfortable. There is a difference.

I'm trying to think of an example. Other than exercise. Let's see. Thanksgiving dinner. Eating that delicious meal feels so good. It tastes so good and all your favorites are there. After a while, even though it may still taste good, you notice you are starting to feel uncomfortable. Maybe a little stuffed? Maybe you need to unbutton your pants? What are you thinking?
You probably have no idea. You're in a food coma. Or that's what you tell yourself.  Or it could be, like I'll go on a diet tomorrow. When will I get to do this again? Keep eating. OR- Oh My God. I'm going to throw up. Why did I do this? I do this all the time and I don't stop? What's wrong with me?  I'm a fat pig and I never learn.

Those are the tapes you had installed. Do you want to think you're a pig who will never learn? Well that tape will loop and loop until you stop it. You are asking,  HOW?

When you hear it playing you stop it. You replace it with a positive thought. I enjoy eating and I'm glad I know when I've had enough. Whatever works for you.

You don't have to believe. Not yet. If you repeat it enough, you'll believe it, and you'll become it. Your brain will learn when you've had enough and will stop taking in more.

I could spend days writing about this in more detail. If I haven' already, I'd lose your attention and then, you wouldn't get it.

Start with one that you can recognize easily. One that you hear in your head often. Just do one. If you overload, you'll lose track and your brain will laugh at you.

You can also create a mantra. Louise Hay,  has written some great books about
self -healing and one of her things is to find a phrase, and say it a few hundred times a day for three days.  If you'd like an all inclusive one to start with, "I love and accept myself exactly as I am" is a good one. It can override a lot of the negativity from the past. Self acceptance leads to less self criticism  and some of the old thoughts get wiped in the process.  And with that, I am done.*(AD) I can't read through this one more time, so please forgive typos and/or stupidity.

The theory of change: Funny, what came to mind immediately was the musical, "Peter Pan".  Remember when Peter came to the Richard's family home and was teaching the children to fly?  "Think happy thoughts" was what Peter told them. And when they did, they flew.

Perhaps that was a metaphor. Think well of yourself and you will be able to soar at whatever you choose.