Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Do I look fat in these pants, or why does your friend/spouse as you questions.

    Mostly, I like to shop alone. I have learned over the years that if I shop with other people, I end up buying things I don't often wear. Read that as  wearing other peoples tastes.
    The experience of going with a friend is fun but the outcome, not always so good.
    Let's talk about taste. The kind you have in your likes and dislikes part of your brain. Or where ever it's stored. (In some people it seems to be in their asses.)
    However, that's exactly what I'm talking about. I have a certain type of taste and it's often very different from the people I know. Does that make mine bad and theirs good? No. It's a matter of taste.  Everyone is supposed to knows that, right?
     So, why when we go shopping, does my friend or spouse ask my opinion on an item they like?  Etiquette demands lying. Something I don't like to do.
     Years ago I had a friend who would ask back, "do you like it"?  That was code for she didn't like my haircut or my shoes or whatever else. I understood and we all saved face.
     I try that but it's not so successful. She must have had a better delivery or I have more demanding friends.
      After spending my youth not saying how I felt, but I've stopped that.  I will say some different things. Often with, you know our tastes are different so don't go by me. Or, if I think it's unflattering I say so. If I like something I say that too. The good news is, that most of my friends who are older, like me, don't usually listen anyway.  If they like it they get it, if they don't, they don't.
      So, why bother asking? Are they being polite? I think not. Maybe it stems from wanting a bond with the other person, and if they agree,  they feel closer.  Or maybe many people are insecure and really want someone else's opinion. Or confirmation that they're okay.

Monday, September 28, 2015

People who shop in thrift stores

  I donate a lot of my things to local charity shops, although they are really nationwide.  The only part that's relevant is I also sometimes shop in them.
  So far, I haven't bought back anything I gave away. I've met people I know in these shops and they are as well heeled as I am.
   I thought thrift shops were for poor people. Why do I see so many people who don't need to shop there? ( I know it doesn't matter because the money goes to the charity, but still).
   All the people with money are buying the nice things meant for people with less money. Oh no. That's almost like the banks who I hate. Am I doing the same thing?
   People in America like a bargain. That's why we go and buy used clothes? To replace the ones we gave away after wearing twice? I know I'm supposed to have a theory so I'll make one up.
    People are stupid. Well, I can't take credit for that. Women like to shop even if it's not something shiny. Read my prior post.
    We must still be gathering things. At least those of us who donate aren't hoarders. So that's a good thing. Right?

Sunday, September 27, 2015

America is upside down

    Why is it that if you have a bank account and you can't afford the amount of money they want you to have, you have to pay fees.
      If you have a bank account or several, you don't have to pay fees. They upgrade you and give you perks.
     So, the people who have money get things they could pay for, and the people without money have to pay with the money they don't have.
     This sounds ridiculous to me. In most places they make you pay for service. Why not in a bank?
If I don't have money, I won't go into your store so you  don't have to  tell me I can't afford to pay for whatever it is you show me. I'm being polite.
     The government tells us we need to save money. Everyone says that you need a bank account to have credit.
     This is very confusing. I'm going to take a nap.

Why do women try to look sexy even though they don't want to have sex?

  I don't want to be a male bashed. I'll try to be even handed, but I am a woman so my thinking is skewed.
   Men and women seem to complain a lot about how women (especially married ones) aren't so into sex. At least after the blush is off the rose. So, if we don't really want to have sex, why do we put on makeup, have our hair done and wear skimpy clothes and high heels?
   Could looking nice and looking sexy have gotten mixed up? Although I can attest to wearing sweatpants, no makeup and a leg cast that didn't signal sex in my mind. My partner thought otherwise, but that may require another theory.
    I'm not saying that women don't want sex or like it. Maybe it's just married sex, or boring sex. See, there I go, not taking the male point of view.
    Women are guilty of false advertising and at the moment I can't think of a theory, even a ludicrous one. So.
     Please feel free to answer that one for me. I'm stuck.

Why are women so into jewelry?

    I believe it's in our DNA. When homo erectus (that looks wrong and why did they use those words? I'll have to think on that for later) began, then males were the hunters and the women were the gatherers. This isn't theory. Men developed skills that would help them survive and passed them down if you believe in the survival of the fittest theory. I believe it.
   So, we women are gathering stuff. Herbs? Babies who wandered off? Flowers? What did we need that was shiny? Jewelry is very shiny. I can't pass by shiny things. Even when I have a house full of them and don't need another thing.
    Was it water reflecting the sun? Or maybe mica or a glassy type rock that the men could use for a weapon. I don't know. I don't remember that far back.
     What I do know, is that even though our brains have allegedly evolved and we no longer need to respond to the survival signals, they haven't died off.
       Maybe sometime later it became a sign of riches but I'm sure it didn't start out that way. I think when we see something shiny we stop because we expect to find water.
       Well, I suppose water has always been precious, so maybe it's not so different after all.

Why women need hip and knee replacements more than men.

I've read what the experts tell you. That women are more prone to arthritis and osteoporosis.
I don't buy it. As many things do, it comes down to sex.
     Think about it. Men are usually larger and heavier than women. So, in the missionary position our hips take quite a pounding. Actually, in most positions they do. I'll let you ponder about the knees.
      Why isn't someone researching this? Why? Because most research is still done by men.