The word census comes from the Latin 'censere' or 'estimate'. The Ancient Roman census was the most accurate of all the ancient civilizations. Conducted for tax purposes, it is one of the factors in the long lived prosperity of the empire. By taking an accurate census, more citizens and lands could be taxed, providing wealth for expansion and trade. The Roman census was carried out every five years.
The United States Census records from 1790 to 1940 are maintained by the National Archives and not the U.S. Census Bureau. I suppose they don't care much about old data. I also put this in because it looks like the US started to take a census in 1790.
Opinion Polls
The first known example of an opinion poll was a local straw poll conducted by The Aru Pennsylvanian in 1824, showing Andrew Jackson leading John Quincy Adams by 335 votes to 169 in the contest for the United States Presidency. Since Jackson won the popular vote in that state and the whole country, such straw votes gradually became more popular, but they remained local, usually city-wide.
1. Electronics. the process of returning part of the output of a circuit, system, or device to the input, either to oppose the input (negative feedback) or to aid the input (positive feedback)
the furnishing of data concerning the operation or output of a machine to an automatic control device or to the machine itself, so that subsequent or ongoing operations of the machine can be altered or corrected.
3. A reaction or response to a particular process or activity:
He got very little feedback from his speech.
4. Evaluative information derived from such a reaction or response:
to study the feedback from an audience survey.
5.Psychology. knowledge of the results of any behavior, considered as influencing or modifying further performance.
6. Biology. a self-regulatory biological system, as in the synthesis of some hormones, in which the output or response affects the input, either positively or negatively.
Since the Babylonians, humans have been taking population censuses. Counting probably started for the same reason. I want to know "how much?" how many" and "how can I make it mine?"
Historically, if you read between the Babylonian lines, it's about wealth. In like, hmm, how many people do we have? Have many crops do they produce? How much meat do they get from their livestock? How much of it can we take for ourselves for providing, providing, okay. They probably didn't provide their citizens with much. I doubt they had garbage removal days or police or schools. So, how about; give us what we want or we take it all away and kill you?
I'm not sure how much things have actually changed since then. The Romans at least did provide services to their citizens and they used the money for taxes. Theoretically. What happened in actual practice I'm not going into. You know, like using taxes to pay armies to take over the world so they could get more wealth. I wonder if they reduced taxes after a big conquering? Okay. back to topic.
At some point in time, a brilliant manipulator figured out that they could use public opinion for lots of other things. I'm skipping a lot of history which I'm sure you won't mind.
Still, the people with big money could find out what the people with less money wanted and figure out how to sell it to them and take their money by razzle dazzling them/us.
Advertising. Need I say more?
It wasn't easy for me to find out about feedback on the internet. Probably because I don't know where to look. My first personal experience with it was on Ebay.
Brilliant. Rating your fellow Ebay buyers and sellers based on your own experience with them. As God said, "In the beginning" all was dark. (or something.) Feedback was meant to give us honest opinions that would help us.
I still read feedback although it too has gotten a little corrupt. Flame wars come to mind. Fear became an issue. If I tell my truth and the person feels besmirched, I get reamed by them. I no longer put quite as much stock into Ebay feedback as I do with Amazon and other commercial sites. Still, it is a very democratic idea. I don't like to buy anything on line without having some feedback.
Back to the question at hand. Why do we ask other people's opinions?
For that, I think there are several answers.
1.Some of us don't value our own opinions or judgement, so we look to someone else to get an answer. Then, if we screw up, we don't have to take full responsibility.
2.Some, are truly curious to know what others think and like to use it to help themselves to get as much information as possible. (I like to think that's me)
3. Some, just want your money. This is true about lots of things.
4. If you're in research, it's a valuable tool to get information.
We are ultimately social animals. We do not live in a vacuum. We need the feedback and opinion of others for survival.
Like all other aspects of homo sapiens, this has evolved into areas that our genetic selves don't need. It is no longer about survival.
I am curious to know what the people who are reading my posts think about them. Same for the photo album I posted.
I would like comments to know if there are things you would like to read a theory on.
I would like to know if you agree or disagree. (I get that a lot of my posts are personal and you can't really comment on those, unless you wanted to tell me that I used to be an idiot or harlot or something else).
I'd like other people's feedback. And so, that's what I wrote this. Just asking didn't help.
I think there is a place where you can just click and give positive feedback. You don't even have to post a comment. If you like a post or a photo, that's all you've got to do. Otherwise I feel as though I'm living in a vacuum and I don't like the feeling.
Ultimately, I'm writing all of this for myself. I'll keep writing until I don't want to. In the meantime, it might be nice to hear from people other than my good friend Len.
Even my husband seems to have stopped commenting. If that means he's stopped reading this, well, there are lots of stories I'd like to tell that he wouldn't be happy with. I guess I'll find out now, won't I? Will you?