Normally, I don't like to get into politics. People, and I am one of them, are so seriously tied to their opinions that they might kill someone for not agreeing with them.
So why am I so openly writing, so many posts?
The answer, I believe, is FEAR.
To what level has our nation sunk that people are so unbelievably polarized?
I don't know why. I have no valid reason for disliking Hillary, but I certainly understand why other people feel that way. And, for many things, they are not wrong.
I don't understand Trumps appeal, and that's on me.
Well, maybe I do but the thing is, that I'm scared about this election because one of them is going to win. Probably?
I keep thinking that something will occur and it won't be these two people.
So this morning, a solution flew into my head. Let's draft Oprah.
Okay. Those of you who are not particularly liberal might not understand why I thought she would be a good choice.
How about the facts.
- She's a very intelligent person.
- She has amazing interpersonal skills and is a very good negotiator.
- She is already wealthy and has, I'm sure, excellent fiscal understanding and skills
- We already know everything about her, so there shouldn't be any sudden revelations throwing a monkey wrench into her bid.
- She is a reasonable person, and although she may have her own values, is open to listening to others and is capable of changing her mind.
- She would also have to deal with both houses and Congress, so it's not like she can make her own decisions and --- boom. They're done.
And for those of us so inclined, we can still get a WOMAN for president.
So what do you think?
Maybe by the time she's finish running the country, we might be capable of choosing candidates who are worthy .
thanks for reading.