Monday, March 28, 2016


This was never meant to be a political post. And it wasn't. I mean choosing a dog is a very personal decision. And, you don't need a primary or caucuses to get to a place where you have a few possible candidates to either buy or adopt.

Actually, it is sounding like the same thing the more I think about it. Shit. Why can't anything be easy?

I absolutely believe in freedom to choose. Pretty much, everything we really do is our own choice. Even if it's not to make a choice.

My problem is when there are too many choices and I get overwhelmed.
I was not overwhelmed in my choices of who to marry. I guess I'm really, really grateful for that. My high school grades weren't that good, so I didn't have many choices of where to go to college. That too is another tale which will be told by the idiot who made those poor choices back then, but not now.

You usually are constrained by some factors when choosing. Some are financial. Money always plays into your choice, like can you afford to do or buy what you think you want? Time. Have you got a time frame, or one  you must meet? Like you'll be homeless if you don't find a house or an apartment? Or your eggs will slowly decay and that's not a nice thought.

Preferences are big. What is your taste? What do you like? Do you know why you like it?

Chloe helping dad
In my case, physical issues come to play. Allergies, infirmities, age, all play a role in the decision process.

the dog I didn't get
Also, if you are anything like me, you've been told that you think too much. Like that's a BAD thing.

I am now back. You didn't even know I was gone. 14 hours later. I've lost the flow.
The day really sucked, but, sometimes it does.

So, back to choice. I want a dog. I want the love, the companionship, the fluff, the special bond. I don't want to have to walk it in the rain, clean it's butt (non-allergic dogs are generally white), clean up when it has accidents. Take it to the vet when it's sick and then, lose it. Although, if I were to get a puppy there is a chance it could outlive me. Then what?  That's how we got our Benny. His very old master died and no one in the family wanted him.
Benny at Christmas

And of course, my husband. He wants to wait and not get a dog as small as Chloe. Maybe bigger than Benny. But my allergies, and my heart. That's what I want. I think.

We were very lucky. Chloe was not at all yappy. She was really well house trained. She was a bit aloof and so in ways she was like a cat.
Benny only yelped if you hurt him. Otherwise, no peep. He either couldn't or wouldn't bark.

What if we get a yapper? Or a bad personality? I always said I was lucky with Chloe. I couldn't claim responsibility for her good temper. Just that I hadn't ruined it.

And now for the politics. It might be simpler if we did a Westminster Dog Show for the candidates.  Have someone put each one on a leash and walk then around the ring with the announcer talking about their breeding, pedigrees and so forth. I'd especially like to see when they get lifted on the table by their balls. Hillary would have a one up on that at least.

I mean, really. Where did these candidates come from?  Did they fall out of the sky? Land on their heads? I have lived through many elections where I felt it was the lesser of two evils. But now, it is likely to be the lesser of two weasels.

I like Hilary. Don't crucify me. I'm a woman. I'm practical. I believe that anyone who has made it anywhere it the political arena is a liar and a cheat. I think it's a joke that each one calls the other one names and gets offended when it gets hurled back.

So, a puppy or a rescue? It has to be a rescue, but do I have patience to deal with whatever issues it will have? Probably.

Can't we pick a rescue for President? Someone who's been misused and would appreciate the love and support they'd never known.?

I know. I'm being ridiculous. Oh yeah. That's my name. No matter.

   When people are given too few or too many options, they cannot make a choice.
   This is because people are easily overwhelmed. We were not created to make these kinds of decisions. Survival meant knowing what was edible and what was not. Who was friendly and who was not. One mistake and you learned what the proper choice was.
   I again cite human evolution being far behind the evolution of man. We are going to think ourselves out of existence. Unless, of course, I'm thinking about things in the wrong way.


1 comment:

  1. someone in the next room told me he wrote a comment that didn't post. I said I'd check it out. I'm checking it out.
