Monday, November 30, 2015

"land of the Brave and the Free" The only thing that is currently "free" is the opportunity to make an ass of yourself.


This morning I was paying the bills for December. I get checks at the end of the month. They get posted as "pending". That means if I were to transfer or "use" the money now, I'd be in trouble because they haven't given it to me yet.
So, I have to make sure that I put in the next date when I know the money will be mine.
        Why does this bother me?
  1. They are government checks. Shouldn't they clear automatically?
  2. They gave it to me, why won't you?
  3. When I charge something on my credit card, which is also the same bank, the charges appear instantly. How come you don't have to wait?
  4. If I see a 2 cent interest in the account I am delirious with joy.
  5. How much interest do you make holding back everyone's money while it pends?
  6. My "free" banking is limited to certain accounts. If I make more than 6 transfers online or on my cell, I get charged. If I don't want the charges I have to actually show up at the bank and do the transfers on their computer. Why????

      Another case of our upside down America. Did I get a say in who made these banking regulations?  I think not. I think we should all have a say in it since it's our fucking money.

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