Once upon a time, long, long ago, boys and girls were born, much as happens in our own time. Each was bestowed with the an inheritance, which we still receive.
It all began when an addle minded witch cast a spell. She had been watching over the people in this world, and decided that she would help them. She had seen the pain, sorrow and joy that came with being a human. She believed that these emotions caused many problems and ought to be somehow contained.
Her solution was brilliant. Or so she thought.
As every child came into this world, each would receive the gift of a magic suitcase, engraved in gold, with each child's name.
Every experience that happened to every child was to be filed into their suitcase. And so it was.
The suitcases began to fill with all the events and knowledge each child was gaining and each case grew larger and heavier.
By the children's third birthdays, the cases were expanded and already very heavy, but as long as the child lived, the cases would never stop filling themselves. It became quite obvious that it would be impossible for a little ones, to carry this gift as they aged, yet, still, the cases continued to grow. The addled witch had screwed up. Shocker!
The toddlers began to leave their cottages to make friends and see what was outside their homes. What a sight it was. These poor little things, dragging these heavy bags around wherever they went. Well, where they tried to go. They were unable to carry them for too long so they never got very far.
This was severely limiting, and if they could barely leave their homes, how ever would they learn the ways of the world? It had been forbidden for the parents to help or carry the load.
That belonged only to the person whose name was inscribed on the case. The gift had now become a burden.
The witch could not help the adults to help their children. She was rather incompetent, and later sentenced to an institution for mentally inane. The Elders of the world held emergency meetings. Each town decided that no matter the cost, the time had come to call in the most powerful magician of all. The Wizard. And we all know. All magic comes with a price.
The Wizard devised a plan. This was how the custom of Storing The Bundles came to be.
The local wizards, did as they had been instructed by their boss. The could not undo another magicians work, but they could change it. So, they shrank the suitcases.
They were so tiny that they could fit deep within the toddler's brain. With a twitch of the wand it was done. The memories would be stored there forever. The children would not be burdened by these impossibly heavy suitcases. The children were free to go everywhere and anywhere. The Wizard's plan was a bit diabolical.
The knowledge from the suitcase would be there, but would be inaccessible to its owner. It would be as if these things hadn't happened. Well, at least the children would no longer remember that these things had happened. And even though these experiences were the most profound things that had occurred in their little lives, they would have no memory of them at all. Or would they?
The Wizard decreed that the experiences, although unrecalled, would continue to mold each child. The child would have no clue as to why they felt or acted the way they did. But then what child would care about that? Not any that I know.
Life continued as it had. The children went to school, made friends and began to grow older. As they grew, they began to look back on their upbringings. None could seem to remember anything going back any further than age three. Others could not remember that far back. Well, said the children. That must be normal and it was accepted that memories did not exist.
This is the beginning of how we developed the baggage we all drag along with us throughout our lives. We cannot remember our first experiences, but that does not mean they are not there.
You know what this has to do with relationships, right? Everyone you meet has their own baggage. It can't be helped. Witches and Wizards made it so.
You, however, do not have magic. What you do with your baggage is up to you.
To Be Continued......... Only if you tell me that you want to hear more. Otherwise, you will have to figure out what to do with all your own bags.
Seriously. Like if you want me to continue.
so that's it. I got one request. I guess I'll do it in a story book with illustrations for that one person. Oh well. You never know what could have been.