do we really know anyone in the Public Eye? Or for that matter, anyone,
including ourselves?
News Articles? Speeches? Interview? Gossip?
We all know that gossip is a bad thing, but somehow it
seems to be a part of human nature.
Gossip is probably as old as we are as a species. What
purpose could it have survived for our survival?
I question things like this because of my belief in
evolutionary biology and psychology for the survival of our species.
I suppose, when we lived either in caves or small nomadic
groups, we were highly insulated from each other. Except when food was scarce
and we went into someone else’s territory. At least that was war for actual
survival. We definitely needed to be wary of strangers.
are some ideas about people in groups.
1. Trust is an important part of living in a group. You
need to know that everyone has your back. Possibly, the smaller the group, the
more true that is.
2. Every group needs a leader. Without plans and
strategies you can’t survive.
3. Leaders have power. Power is desirable to certain
4. In order to obtain power, a person must show
5. Secrets are weak spots. All of us have secrets. That
makes us vulnerable.
6. Secrets are hard to keep. The only way a secret can be
kept, is if two people know about it, and one of them is dead.
7. People trade secrets like currency. It is a way to
obtain intimacy. This is what gossip is.
8. People are jealous creatures and maybe want some power
of their own.
having trouble writing this.
I want to put it into my theory and hypothesis format,
but whenever I’m writing sounds too stilted, or formal and isn’t going where I
want it to. It’s not writers block, more like Writers River. It meanders
without going to a destination.
So, I’ll forget format, and write what I’m thinking.
Trust me, it will be easier on you. LOL.
Another digression.*
I remember the old movie, called Blaze. Blaze was played by Lolita Davidovich and Paul Newman
played Earl Long, Governor of Louisiana.
Blaze’s mama’s advice to Blaze on leaving home was, “RUN -when
any man says, “trust me”. Since then, I can’t help but notice when someone uses
that expression, and I ask myself “why would they need to tell me that?”
So it doesn’t matter if you do or you don’t trust me.
Gossip is usually accepted as truth. Especially when people
want to believe something negative, particularly about someone they don’t like.
Gossip is a tool used by people who want power, to enhance their own image and
use it in their quest for dominance. Or to ruin the person in power so someone
else can get it.
In modern society, gossip is a multimillion dollar
industry. It needs not to be based on facts. People in power use gossip to
manipulate the feelings of people in their society. If I want to ruin someone,
I will release secrets to the press and manipulate the way the “facts” are
I think that’s about as close to what I want to say as I’m
going to get.
The media is currently biased. It can be conservative,
liberal, neocon, leftist, right-wing and downright nuts.
I know I’m biased and opinionated. That was what
editorials used to be for. The news used to be told with facts. Of course, no
matter who looks at these “facts,” will be the one able to determine what to use or
discard, so the media was probably only slightly less biased back in the olden
days. And there were unwritten rules about what they could and could not write
about, including who they could not write certain things about. I.e. No one was
ever going to write about the extra marital affairs of our presidents. That
sure changed.
I know it’s not just Americans. People all around the
globe develop heroes and villains.
Since we have no “royalty” in the states, we have created
our own class system. Actors, Singers,
Rappers, Tappers, Sportsmen (and some Sportswomen), Writers, Broadcasters, People
who are famous for being famous (LOL), Murderers, Conmen, and an assortment of
all kinds are reported about.
Mark Twain once said that the only thing worse than being
gossiped about, was not being gossiped about. I guess that goes with there’s no
such thing as bad publicity.
O.J. Lance
Armstrong Daryl Strawberry Kobe Bryant Mike Tyson
Jessica Simpson Rob Lowe Robert Downey Jr.
Bill Cosby Mel Gibson
Thomas Gibson Johnny
Winona Ryder
Martha Stewart Imelda
Marcos Amber Heard
Kate Moss Lindsey
Lohan Whitney Houston Little Kim
Chris Brown Too Pak Shakur Angelina
Jolie Billy Bob Thornton
Nicole Brown Simpson
Pete Rose Barry Bonds Tom Cruise
John Travolta Justin
Bieber Michael Vick Mark McGuire
Alex Rodriguez
Josh Duggar and anyone you
remember that I don’t.
Digression* I wanted to make a list of names and
then put them into a kind of rhyme, like Billy Joel did with “We didn’t start
the Fire”. This is why people like me don’t finish things quickly. Sidetracks.
Or, as, I’d like to call them Sidetraps.
Now might be a good time.
People in power. People we admire. Those are usually
people who have influence over us.
Looking at the above list you’ll see many sports
heroes, movie stars, fashion icons, TV personalities and some musicians. [Remember
my memory is poor so don’t feel offended if I left out someone you know is
People who are famous because of a talent or skill,
which we, the ordinary individual don’t have. Or maybe we do, but just never
got famous for it.
As “leaders” of some kind, we admire and look up to
them. Remember the term “hero worship”?
They may have those talents and abilities, but they
are still human beings. Maybe because they made it and we didn’t, we want them
to be better. At everything.
And, maybe, just maybe, some of us are jealous of
some of them. After all, they seem to have it all. Beauty, success, money, fame
and all the things that come along with it.
They each have a personality just like we do. It’s
individual to them and we don’t know what it is. We really don’t know anything
about them except for what we see and hear about their non-work lives, from the
media. And it’s the media’s job to make
money. Damn, it usually comes down to that, right?
So, if you can get a photo of someone topless, or get
some good gossip, you put it out there. I will assume that the more reputable
outlets at least try to verify what they tell us. But, does it matter? Once you
hear it, you can’t un-hear it.
Question. If you are a public person, are you not
entitled to a private life?
I don’t have the answer. It is a controversial
question. I waver back and forth on it myself.
I do know, that I would not like all my vulnerabilities
known to everyone I know. You could tell the world, but only people who know me
would be interested.
But if everyone knows you, then everyone is interested.
{You may have noticed that I’ve let politicians out
of this. That’s another category on its own.}
Do we need to know if Jennifer Anniston is pregnant?
Or why someone is getting a divorce? Or who is cheating on their spouse, or if
they’re gay? No. It’s none of our business.
This is a little bit of a greyer area. People can
make all sorts of allegations. They may or may not be true. It would be nice if
we didn’t find out about these allegations about illegal activity until
criminal charges were filed. Although
the rich and famous don’t often get charged. I could go off on a sidetrap on
that, but maybe I’ll remember to blog on it.
I’m thinking about Bill Cosby. That’s a heart
breaker. Worshipped and adored and all the while, he’s drug raping women. That’s
unreal. A man with real power so the women were afraid to talk. Or they were
paid to shut up. This is a crime.
Then, Michael Jackson. Was he or wasn’t he? Did he
or didn’t he? Nothing was proven in any trial, but we all took sides and
believed, one way or the other. The crime here, is that since nothing was
proven we should have accepted the court’s decision. Something else to think
about is how once your name has been sullied, you have real trouble trying to
get it clean again.
Johnny Depp. Is he a wife beater? Or maybe an
alcoholic who beats his wife when he’s drunk? Does that make him a better or
worse actor? As a person, well, that’s a different story. Does he get paid to
be a person or an actor?
Yup. I do. We hold people on pedestals to higher
standards. That isn’t fair. They’re really just people. Except, maybe, since
they chose to be famous or were lucky enough to become “someone” who is in the
public eye, it is fair.
The probability is that once we know who they are as
people, we are bound to be disappointed. Not because they are bad. They just
aren’t who we would like them to be. Or imagined them to be. Or needed them to
A somewhat
different issue is that I believe that all people who commit criminal acts
should suffer the consequences. I also believe that gossip about who’s cheating
on whom, who is a cheap bastard, who is ugly without makeup, well that’s none
of anyone’s business. I don’t look so hot when I get up in the morning either.
I don’t cheat, although I may occasionally lust in my heart, like Jimmy Carter.
I’m not cheap but I am moody and even though I love my friends, I don’t call
them. That’s bad. And since it doesn’t affect you, do you care? Then why would
you care if I said the same things about Meryl Streep?
CONCLUSION: (finally)
People who live in glass house shouldn’t throw stones.
People who live in rubber houses shouldn’t throw anything because it will
bounce back and hit them.
And finally. Don’t believe everything you see or
hear. It may just be someone trying to manipulate you. I am. I’m trying to open
your mind. I hope that’s okay. If not. Just ignore me. My husband does.
Thanks for Reading.
Most famous people got that way because they craved fame. Some will get it and all the wealth and privilege that comes with it. and so I have little sympathy for when they start whining about the lack of privacy.
ReplyDeleteIt must be tough deciding which of your luxury homes to suffer in.
Yes. On one thing I can agree. At least if I'm suffering from mental illness, I'd rather be rich. At least I could afford the best psychiatric care.
ReplyDeletePerhaps this isn't the correct variant to spy on the boy. But I don’t see another way out. So I downloaded the software keylogger . And it allows me to keep track of her correspondence in sms, call .... There are many details that I found isn’t so pleasant for me.