Monday, July 18, 2016


I just want to give an update on how things are going with increasing my readership. It's working. A little. My husband and one of my God daughters were able to tell me how frustrating it is that they try to comment and it never goes through.

This has been a problem since day 1. I gave  fixing this a shot, but was unable at that time to do anything. So, I did what every red blooded American does with a problem. I forgot about it.

PS. There is no where in the help page or tools about comments. At least not that I could find.

Now, since it's come up again, I thought. Ah. Maybe if I pay for whatever "they" offer, it will allow comments to be posted.

So......... I looked this up on Blogger and it shows up as 'ads'.  So.
 I don't want what in the hell I'd be advertising, but I looked anyway to see what the cost was. Get this. For only $30, and I think I remember this right, but it doesn't seem possible, any time someone clicks on your link, you pay 30 bucks. Maybe I read it wrong. Maybe it was 30 bucks a day. But, even at that, who can spend that kind of money for people to click and possibly/probably not even read the damned thing?

I have friends who own a business and they pay big money to be at the top of engine searches. Some years ago, I think they paid $5 a hit, plus whatever it cost to be listed on top.  Any time anyone clicked on their site it cost them five dollars. Or did.  Well, Thank God they have a really thriving business, although I still can't imagine the cost.

In my fiendish little mind, though, I did have an idea. If I wasn't happy with a particular seller, I could repeatedly hit their site and cost them lots of money. On the other hand, they probably would have trackers and I'd get arrested. So, I'm glad I didn't do it. I know. I have morally reprehensible thoughts but I don't act on them. I suppose if I were Catholic I'd be going to Hell anyway. At least I wouldn't be lonely. So.  If I could, I'd hit Walmart's. Constantly. For hours and days.  Could I be sued if I suggested doing this to all of my readers?  On general principal I hate Walmart. Not just for what they did to our mom and pop stores. That was bad enough. So I have basically boycotted them for 4 years. Like they care.

When I found out that they are such horrible employers, I decided I couldn't shop there. They pay shit wages. They don't take full time employees so they don't have to pay medical or over time. They don't give their staff their schedules in advance, so having a second job, which when you work for them is necessary for survival, they almost can't have that second job, because you have to know what hours you can work for someone else. 

 Last year they made a big hoo ha ha about increasing wages. Apparently my boycott is working.
 My sources tell me it was a weak and unfulfilling gesture for most of their workers.  We, the public are not appeased you Bastards.

There I go off topic. Anyway, I am trying. On the comment thing. Maybe you forget also what I started out with.

 Remember you can comment on my face book page or on Google + or write an email to (I wasn't thinking when I made this ridiculously long address)

OMG. I hope that is an actual link. Maybe you won't have to retype it and can just write to me.  I will not get excited in advance. That leads to disappointment. I won't get excited in advance. I'll keep saying that to myself, and say, til the next time.

oops.  theory:
Life is difficult. It becomes more difficult when we care about something or someone.

If you don't care about something or someone, you will shrivel up and die.


So, again. Until the next time. keep reading. no matter what it is. Knowledge is power.


  1. Test comment in response to a question in the Blogger help forum.

  2. Hi. It showed up. And my husband was able to leave a comment. I have my fingers crossed, and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  3. Hi I'm just sending a test comment as well (will be listed as Unknown (Google)

  4. Thank you. It seems to be working. I am happily shocked.
