Wednesday, July 27, 2016

I have a new address. And I think I can stay here too. Does that mean I'm bi-blogal?

Alright. I'm working on it. I do have, I believe, a blog on WordPress.

I'm working out the deets which could take , forever. It's so different.

I think there is a way to direct my readers from here to there. I just have so many printed directions and instructions that I have to go through them. But first I need an Irish coffee at 10am. This is bad.

They said I should tell my friends.  that I just installed a website on wordpress and it had an https.  All my own. Isn't that exciting?

I hope you can put it into a search and it should come up since there aren't that many sites with this ridiculous name. I'm babbling. Sorry.

at the end it says via Softaculous with a hash tag. But I think that's just for them to advertise.

So, I'll keep you posted. Which is actually a pun. Since this is a post. I'm cracking myself up today. Or I've cracked up.

anyway, thanks for reading.


  1. Reading it loud and clear...

  2. You can babble on girlfriend all you want. Communication is a wonderful thing in this free world.

  3. This is odd. I have to check the other site. One friend she left one here, but I don't see it. oh my. how complicated I make things.
