My plan for yesterday was to lie out in the sun on the lanai. Deck, I suppose for non-Floridians.
It took some time to get my things together and while I was doing that I remembered that I had two loads of laundry to do.
I put in one and went about taking care of putting on sunscreen and getting my iPod and bathing suit.
I was on my way out when I heard the buzzer. Waaaaaaah. The first load was done. I put it in the drier and turned it on. I put in the second load of laundry, and out I went.
I lay in the sun for some time. Which for me is something I love, and also a feat. As you know, I can't stay still. I think that's why I usually do gardening or cleaning outside before I lie down. Then I'm tired enough to lie there. I did go in and out of the pool. It was a beautiful day.
It was really hot in the sun. I went in the pool which had no more ants. Lovely.
I got out and lay back down. It was around noon when I had finally made my way out. I try not to stay out too long for as you know, only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the noon day sun. Sorry Brits. Don't know who wrote it, but it does have a nice ring to it.
We had a little banter about him hitting me as he was hitting the screen and missing the pool. After he went in I decided it was probably best to come in so I didn't burn.
I don't even know what possessed me. That must be the word. I am/was possessed by the need to "just" rinse off the furniture in the lanai under the roof. That's my favorite phrase. I'm "just" going to prune one bush. I'm just going to pick the weeds in the front of the yard. I'm "just" going to pretend that I can stop in the midst of doing something. Yeah. That's me.
Call me "just".
I pulled out one chair. (that God I had washed the cushions recently or this would be my obituary). Then I pulled out the table. I put all the cushions in the corner.
For some reason, I came into the house and it was probably to throw away something, for I passed into the garage, from the laundry room and crap. I hadn't taken out the clothes from the drier. So, I did what I do not usually do. I just dumped them in the laundry basket and put the next load in to dry.
Then back I went to spend the next hour and a half cleaning the inside part of the lanai. My muscles were still in a twist from Yoga and the day before when I scrubbed the pavers. But never you mind. I finished what I had to do. Had to. Notice that word. I don't "had" to do anything. I hobbled in and took a shower and washed my hair.
'Twas then I remembered the laundry. I dried off and went in and put the next batch in the drier. Of course I couldn't lie down until I had put all the cleaning things back where they belonged. I finally lay down at 3:30. Then the drier buzzer went off. There was no way in hell I was getting up. For me, this was a proud moment.
You see, up until a few months ago, I would have had to take the laundry out and fold it and put it away before I could do anything else. I'm making progress. I'm learning to let it sit.
I got up after less than an hour, which is good. Too much napping is bad. I did at some point recall the drier and so I went in and folded what had been in it.
The good news was it was mostly sheets and a couple of towels. They weren't too bad. I looked at the basket of clothes, and said to myself, "no way".
Which leads me to my question.
I just got up and threw out the recyclables. And passed by the Basket. It called to me and so I just hung up all of what had been in it. This is the way I've come to do laundry which works well. As I take something from the drier, I hand it up. I hang most of my clothes because I can't find anything in the drawers. Unless you just take out what's on top, you never get to know what's underneath.
And this eliminates a step. Hand in the laundry room. Transport to the closet. All done.
Except for today. I hung the clothes, mostly shirts, that now looked like I slept in them. I have left them hanging on the doors inside.
Gravity is supposed to pull everything towards the ground. How long do you think it would be for me to leave the laundry like it is before it irons itself out?
That's basically because I don't feel like ironing. My arms and shoulders still ache. It's a valid question. Right?
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