I see this is my 100th post. Wow. And the topic to start with is a bit mundane, but that's how it goes.
About three days ago I bought a new printer. I had looked on line at Staples because the store is nearby and I get reward points. And I like their policy on printers. Anyway........ there I go again.
This morning I opened my email and there is a Staples message headed GET 50% off printers. Now, I'm not using my glasses (I put on a pair now) so my sight's not great. First I thought it was for cartridges which would have been awesome. But no. The printer.
I started to open it and said to myself. Self, don't do it.
Then I started thinking about how many coupons and offers I frequently get after purchased whatever it was.
Take CVS. I actually like their rewards program. They send me real money in an email that I can click and it sends it to my rewards card. That's really cool. You usually have to spend something like 30 bucks, but I've gotten, $3, $5 and more, so it's okay. I use drugs. Not like in the old days, which by the way I couldn't get in a drug store, but eye drops, Mucinex, Benadryl, Tylenol, and some supplements. ( I buy the store brands because they are less expensive) {that sounds so much classier than "cheaper"}.
I use my extra bucks and while I'm there I can a print out of coupons based on things I may have used in the past. The past, often three days ago. I just bought three out of the five items that they are now giving me coupons for. It would have been preferable to get them BEFORE I already bought them.
Unless, maybe they think I'm a hoarder and will just buy up more so I have a years supply.
It's not just CVS. I do a lot of online shopping and looking. I suppose it's my fault for not clearing out the cookies. Or at least that's what I think it could be. That's how they keep track of where you were and what you looked at. Right?
However, I have had problems when I disabled the cookies thingy. So, I have to remember to clear my phone cache. I can't transfer that to my regular computer. First, I'm sure that they are done differently. Secondly, it's not something I ever think of except for right this moment. And as they say, this too shall pass.
All's I'm sayin is that it's like why do they keep trying to sell me condoms after I'm pregnant? I'm not gonna be needing one for at least 10 - 11 months. Then the date will be expired and I'll get pregnant again.
MARKETERS SUCK. They want you to buy their product, but not at a reduced price. If they did, they'd advertise and send you the goods before you already had them.
So suck it y'all. I've got you figured out.
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