I posted it to Facebook because I think it's something we all need to be aware of.
I watched it, and found SOMETHING odd. October was the time that all banks had to send us money, the money spenders chip cards to prevent fraud. The banks sent cards so now we should feel more secure because the information on them is hard to steal. They sent cards, but didn't change their own machinery.
Certain merchants still don't have the readers because they are usually very large companies and it takes time and money for the conversion. Okay, we all understand.
I looked on line for information related to this, but mostly, the searches brought up self congratulatory information from the banks patting themselves on their backs for sending out their new cards.
What I found was, that if the merchant didn't upgrade, they became partially responsible for any loss that might get caught. The banks would be sharing the liability. They used to be completely responsible. Hmm. So the bank sends you a chip card and they are partly off the hook?
The bank branch the thieves actually targeted was the one I use. Great. They used the front door. Who would even think of the entrance as being compromised? Not little old me.
I'll try to attach at link at the end so you can watch the details. There are also some U tube vids on the subject. Please educate yourself and loved ones.
Since merchants aren't the easiest targets, anymore, the thieves are now attacking mostly ATMs and Gas Station Pumps.
Why don't they (banks and oil companies) have to put in chip technology? I couldn't find anything legal about them having to change. Maybe they do and I couldn't find it. Maybe they don't, and if not, why?
I find it odd that the two industries that make it possible for you to be ripped off are banking and oil. Two of the wealthiest industries in the world. Well, maybe not odd. Not even surprising actually.
Shouldn't they have the money to protect us? The desire? It makes little sense.
I also found out that the Secret Service is involved in trying to catch the skimming scammers.
The only thing I found out was that if you check your statements regularly and find a charge that's not yours, and file a dispute within 60 days you have a chance at getting your money back. I was just thinking. What if they steal your information and wait five months? Does that make a difference? Harder to track down? Too damned many questions for which I have no information.

1. They don't give a shit about us, the consumer. That's not a theory. It's a fact.
2. The banks are making more money off of this. Someone steals your data, you don't catch it. You are out of time and luck.
3. You catch it within 60 days, but the merchant is now partly responsible. The bank pays less. The bank makes more.
4. You don't catch it, or even if you do, during the investigation the bank is paid for the transaction on its credit card. The bank makes money during that time. Banks make interest even if we don't. They also don't care if you spent it, or a Russian Nigerian cross dresser.
5. It's bad enough we have to pump our own gas. Of course that became risky because the attendant took your card. That is a no-no now. The only way to be sure we aren't getting skimmed and scammed is to walk to the inside of the station and pay there, with chip or cash. Hmmm. How lazy am I? Do I want to get in line while someone orders a burrito? Hell no. I want fast, so I'll gamble. And I've never done that before. I don't know how. Do I leave my car at the pump and go inside and say? What? What do I say? If I fill it up, how will they know how to charge? Do I have to go back inside again?
The Big One
Somehow, the banks and the oil companies have pulled off their own big scam. We are going to pay and they are not. They will increase their profits and we will lose eve more or our hard earned money.
Let's face it. The cards are stacked against us.
Start sending emails to banks and major gas stations complaining about the lack of security and demanding chips technology at those weak link points. See what they say. I'm going to do it and see what type of response I get. Public pressure from millions of people may help us. So, even if you don't ask people to read the blog or post, inform your friends. And write letters. It's your money. It's my money. It's your uncles who you stand to inherit from if there's anything left. Not theirs and we need to take a stand. Now.

I'll check to see if it plays. It doesn't. You'll have to copy and paste. I don't know why, but it's better than getting ripped off. Good luck soldiers.
There should be a comment posted. I can't find it. Maybe it was stolen by the bank.