I need to organize my posts so I can put them in collections, making it easier for my followers. I printed them all out (sorry for all the typo's especially in the titles but there is NO spell check up there.) How do I organize such disparate topics? I will. Somehow.
I need to get my tax crap organized because I always file early. Not that I have much to organize. It comes in the mail and trust me, it's not complicated stuff. Still, I have to separate the papers.
I'm working on my ancestor search, and from my last post, you've noticed I've misplaced two of them, so to speak.
I joined the world wide ancestor "club" for more money, so I could have more data and access. I can't actually find out if it's helpful, since I'm not sure how to use it and, when I did come across one possible crossing (on a ship), the information was in German, which I can't read.
My lovely new room, which has more desk surfaces, is still not enough for the piles of paper I have spilling all over the room. Looking at it makes me nuts.
Some piles had made it to the bed.
And then I had to go out this morning. On my way out, I decided to bring in the large vintage poster print that had not been hung up since we painted as we noticed a corner of the glass had broken.
I wanted to buy a new frame so I could put that up in the outer rooms (color match) and bring one into my room for the last space on the wall.
As I was taking the frame out I picked up a cardboard that read "24 x 30" glass something and it dropped and shattered on the garage floor. I left a note for my husband in case he came home before I did so he wouldn't get hurt.
He did get home and left before seeing the note. He came home just as I was finishing cleaning up the shards of glass and as my girlfriend had arrived.
I tried to explain what had happened and he said I could tell him later as it was done. Then he told me I keep leaving the light on in the garage. Broken glass he doesn't see. A light that he usually leaves on, he does.
Our accountant uses e-files which is lovely. I actually saved the secure site so I could get in without having to check the password and name.
He sent a new thing which required my email address. At least I can remember that. And the last four digits. A cinch. Only it didn't work.
I tried the saved sign in from last year and that didn't work either. So,,,,, I emailed him.
He sent back that it might be my husband's last four. That got me in. And pissed me off. My husband's name is first on the filing for no other reason than he's the man. Unless the account decided to do it alphabetically. yeah right.
Then he sends my husband some stuff today ,which he forwards to me the insides of which, also don't open. The accountant also sent me three emails as well that eventually I was open to combine and rejoin and say abra cadabra and they opened.
Of course I got annoyed with said husband for not understanding my ravings from my den screaming so he would hear me in his den around the bend. Then I ragged on him that I'm getting tired of taking care of all this shit. Bla Bla Bla and yada yada yada.
Being in menopause means it's always my time of the month.
I am a curious person. I like to finish something I start. It's like a puzzle.
Or as I once said, I feel obligated to start what I finished. Get that one?
Therefore, I get very frustrated with each roadblock I hit. And somehow, the computer, whilst making life easier, is also filled with the most roadblocks.
I need a fricking little address book for all the names and passwords I have for accounts. You would think that would make things go smoothly. But NOOOO.
I don't know about you, but certain companies like ATT and Apple are the worst. I do not know how many times I have had to change my passwords for them. And, paranoid that I am, I sometimes like to write in code in case some deranged thief comes to my house to use my computer. Therefore, when I can't get into a site, I look it up and often it doesn't work, because you know, what a great memory I have so codes, are not my friends. So, I have to change it again and again.
It's kind of like every year or less your credit card is "compromised" so they send you a new number. Then, you have to go into every account it's linked to and put in the new card. I at least now have a list of what's on it. Maybe that will mean it won't happen so often. You know? Like when I take the umbrella it doesn't rain philosophy.
I'm married. That's why. Each of us think we do more in and for the relationship than the other and sometimes it just comes out. Human nature I suppose.
I remember reading a study about work absences. When surveyed, each worker believed that he/she had taken fewer days off than their co-workers. Fact check did not support this at all. It's like that.
You don't notice when the job gets done. You notice when it doesn't. Therefore it's easier to find faults because you don't see what has become invisible.
If you empty the trash cans, no one sees. If you don't, they're on your ass.
Is that too much to ask? I pay my taxes damn it. My bills are paid on time. I demand that my computer treat me better. Or I will --- I will --- hmmm. Does anyone know where that complaint department is?
And it went downhill from there.