Isn't the beach a beautiful place? This was taken at Blind Creek, Hutchinson Island in Saint Lucie County Florida. It's a "clothing optional" section.
I only took my phone for photos. It's a good thing. The heat and sand would have ruined my good one. As it was, in the sun, all I could see in the iPhone was my face and I wasn't shooting selfies. I was also afraid if I showed up with a big ass camera, the nudies would get concerned. Just saying. I was lucky to get some decent shots.
What on earth was I doing there? Well, my husband loves fishing. And he's gotten into surf casting rather than his usual fishing over the past few weeks. He gets up at an ungodly hour and scoots out and goes to different beaches to try his luck.
The spots he'd been going to weren't "hitting" so well, so, he was told about this spot. He always wants me to come with him and I decided it was time. Hmm. Was the fact that it was a "special" beach a factor?
Being time, refers to the fact that, I've been living in Florida for 11.5 years and have not to been to the or a, beach, in a bathing suit in, uh, 11.5 years. I have perhaps on a half dozen occasions, ended up at the beach, fully clothed and have walked on the sand a bit. While I was there this week, I thought back on all the times I had spent at the beach when I lived in New York, and it was unbelievable that it had taken me this long. Another digression. We are not close to any beach. We live half way between the intercostal bridges that can get us there. The trip is about 40 minutes. The pool in my house is, well, a lot closer.
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That was when we first moved here. Great furniture. But notice my little Chloe checking me out. God I miss her. |
This was not the first time I had been to a nude beach. I remembered this while on the beach, watching the mostly male sunbathers start to saunter in. We got there at 7:15 am, and it wasn't exactly crowded. Yet.
There was a section of beach on Long Island that was unofficially for nude bathing. I think it might have been Riis Park, but it's so far back that I can't recall. At that time of my life, I was married to Shraga, husband #1 and our best friends were Lisa and Gil. We used to go to the beach every nice week end during the summer. For a short time we went to this place. We were in our late 20's and wanted peace and quiet. That meant avoiding families who generally did not go to nude places. So, since families didn't go there, we did.
The last time we went, Lisa and I were lying on our blanket, and looked up to see a heavy set man, in bathing trunks, sitting on the edge of our space. He had his legs splayed open and it was not a pretty site. All I remember is large, fat ugliness. Whether we ignored him or Lisa yelled, I can't say. After that, we went to Long Beach and dealt with families.
So, what would make someone want to walk around naked? In public?
Of course I have several theories.
There is not one type of person who falls into this category. Several types would.
I'm going to list them, in order, that may be what I think, is top to bottom, no pun intended.
I would imagine there have been many studies on this subject. For two reasons I am not going to do any research on my own.
First, this is MY blog and I want to be the expert. So there. Secondly, I cannot imagine, nor do I want to see, the images that would come up if I wrote in these words into a search. As it is, when I do look things up, with what I know are not sexual topics, the images I get are almost always include X-rated pix that have nothing to do with what I'm looking for. So, I will just be sharing my thoughts.
1. Exhibitionists.
Dictionary: a.Tendency to call attention to oneself to show off one's talents, skills, etc. b. Psychologically - a tendency to expose parts of the body that are conventionally concealed.
It wasn't in the subject index of either of the two intro to psych texts. It would no doubt, be in the abnormal psych book. You have to continue studying to get to the good parts.
Anyway, for people with healthy self esteem, wanting to show your talents or skills is normal. Wanting to show your artist skill, singing, dancing, whatever your God given talent is, is what people should do. We love watching talented people do their thing. Think Idol, Can you dance etc.
The next part, the psychology of it, really applies in this case. I don't think that having a penis, vagina or breasts, is a particular talent or skill. Well, you may be skilled with what you do with them, but that, according to most societies is considered private. And if you like watching that kind of thing, Lord know there are places for you to find them.
Back to the beach. What then would entice a person to exhibit themselves in public? Well, at least these people aren't going around flashing. However, I don't quite get it. If you think you look nice naked, and want to be seen, I can sort of understand the desire. The acting it out, not so much.
I probably should mention that this seems to be an American issue. I just remembered that when I went to Greece, women were often topless. I should add, at the beach. Women do not walk around Athens without tops. They did on the cruise I was on.
I only recall one woman who was lying on a chaise. She had large breasts and they were laying towards either side of her. Kind of like the way kids draw a bird in the sky. Two lines with a vee in the middle. Personally, I didn't find anything erotic or pleasing in the site. Again. That's just repressed old American me.
My husband and I got to the beach early, so we were nearly the only ones there. I sat near the entrance so I could go back and photograph the trail we'd come in on.
It was bloody hot. Even at 8 am, so I was up and down to the shore and was able to watch as the men came in. Middle aged to old, if I had to guess. I tried to not look or feel self conscious myself. They were pleasant and if I passed them, they said hello.
Actually, after a while, it almost seemed normal. I suppose that's not a good word. Usual? Anyway, I wasn't as uncomfortable as I thought I'd be. And no. I stayed in my bathing suit.
Were these people exhibitionists? I don't know. There was only one man who kept walking up and down the shore. He was probably an exhibitionist. We left at 10:15 as I was fried to a crisp and had had enough. I didn't see much socializing. I didn't see people preening or attempting to eroticize the situation. So, maybe there's another reason?
I did try to look up one of the other topics. oh Lord. I am going to just write what I believe I've heard about nudists. It really is unconscionable what can come up on an innocent search for images. I hope parents are able to filter that out. It's really disturbing.
There are people who don't believe in wearing clothing. I first wrote they don't believe in clothing. That would be like saying I don't believe in water. I mean they know clothing exists, they just don't want to wear it. There is a difference and I have to be careful about my grammar.
They believe that it is more natural and comfortable to go around in the altogether. It's not a sexual thing, it's just a way of feeling natural.
I can understand this since I can say with certainly, my clothes annoy me. I have ranted about not being able to find comfortable, accurately sized clothes or shoes. Therefore, although I don't run about my house without clothes on, I can be comfortable without a bra and loose sundresses and not care how I look. The part about leaving the house unclothed is what I don't get.
one of these actually skittered across me on the blanket. ich! |
Starting with the beach. Who the hell wants sand and bugs up their bum and other crevices? Not me. And even in a bathing suit, you still manage to get some of that shit in your cracks.
And as I sit here, four days later, I am still itching from the bites I got. On my back, arms, legs and chest. None, however, where my bathing suit was.
It would be the same, I suppose to nudist camps as well. Grass, mud, bugs. Splinters if you're eating at a picnic table.
Well, I don't get it. I won't condemn it. It's just not for me.
I can speak for the exhibitionist, I think. There may again be several different psychological profiles here.
One, is that the person really has great attributes and wants everyone to see them. I would suspect that this would come from a lack of self esteem in other areas of their lives, so they are trying to balance things out. Still, there should be more private ways to do that.
I hope this isn't indecent. It's too small for me to tell or read what it says. |
For some, they may not have the goods, but again, the self esteem is low and they just want to be seen. Sometimes, that's the only way to get noticed. Or maybe they think so. And, I believe that all of us want to be noticed. Not for that, but in some way. People need attention and affirmation. Most of us look in other places.
Other's, perhaps, are looking for sexual experiences and may hope to make a hook up somewhere. Maybe others just go home and masturbate to the feelings that being naked created. Hopefully they go home.
And others, may just be comfortable in their own skin.
If you are really curious, I suggest that you do further research. Like I said, I saw enough to last me a while.
Oh yeah. Why do people who are not going to be nude, go to the beaches to watch? For every pot there is a lid, or so my mother said. For each person who wants to be seen, there is one who just wants to look. Perhaps they would like to be that free. Perhaps, it too, gives them masturbatory image's.
Some of us are more exhibitionist than others, while others, are more voyeurs.
After all. What is watching the news? TV? Movies? Magazines? After all, voyeurs are just watchers that we have given a special name to.
We, the watchers, are looking at the world and viewing it, and making judgements. The people who put on the shows, do the writing, well they want to be seen. And it's been said, that each of us wants our 15 minutes of fame. Translate that to mean that even the watchers, want to be seen, even if just for a few moments.
So, I'm glad there are nude beaches for people to go to. I'm also thankful that they are advertised as such so that people who do not want to go there don't get there accidentally.
It doesn't matter whether you think yay or nay. The fact is, it's a choice we can each make. And doesn't choice make life more interesting?
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