And yet again. I tried to add some pix from on-line, only it seems the changes they have made to the site won't allow it.

Why do they keep changing and updating everything?
I don't understand.
Just when I think I have it together, BOOM. I get an update and I can't get into my own blog. I can't find my old home page and assorted other issues.
This week, I tried to print something from online and the computer lost my printer. Yup. It was on my husband's network and he could print, not that he should be hooked in, but I spent 4 and one half hours, not being able to get it on my computer.
I was in a groundhog day loop.
Somehow, the next morning, after trying twenty-five ways to leave my computer, I hit it and got it back.
That was great, but so much else has gone wrong that I just want to sit here and scream and cry.
I hate technology. It hasn't made anything that much better. Not really. When you look at all we've gained and then at all we've lost, it wasn't worth it.
Russians hacking our elections, Nigerians scamming old people out of their savings and for what? So we could become too lazy to go to the bank? Or write a letter?
We are locked in the jail of tecnology
This just plain sucks. And there's no way to stop it.
When you are old, these are the only tools you need in any room. |
And so it goes, or so it went. What a morning. What a week. I'd give up, but I'm not a quitter. A whiner, yes, but not a quitter.
oh, if you get it from a Google search, maybe it's okay.
Thanks for reading. Or screaming or crying with me. I obviously need your support.
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